I slap his chest. "Oh shut up. It's not porn. But it is the result of unprotected porn."

His eyebrows furrow together as he looks extremely confused. "Wait, what?"

I type into the search bar 'birth videos' before hitting search. I look back at Harry and he is staring at me as if I have two heads.

"You can't be serious right now."

He sits up and reaches over to grab his phone. "How far are we away from Hong Kong? Are we landing soon?" After checking the time, he locks his phone and throws it on the end of the bed.

"Come on H, don't you want to know what you're in for so you know what to expect? What if you're so shocked on the day

"I don't think any amount of videos can prepare me for it. I would rather experience it all for the first time on the day."

"Well I don't. So if you don't want to watch, go to sleep."

Harry pulls out the pillow from behind his head and he places it over his face. I press play on the first video. It starts off as the husband explaining to the camera that his wife's waters have broken. She's having contractions about five-seven minutes apart so they're packing their things into the car and about to head to the hospital.

It's night time and there's barely any cars on the road. Obviously they're not from LA, despite their American accents. I can decipher where they're from. I grow a little anxious when I see the woman with her eyes closed and taking deep breaths as she has another contraction in the car. Her husband looks at her with so much empathy because he can see the amount of pain she is in. My stomach hurts just imagining how painful contractions are.

Obviously I haven't got a period in a while, but before I would get period pains so severe that I would bring my knees to my chest and roll around on the floor in agony. If that pain was so awful, I can't imagine how bad contractions are going to be.

My pain tolerance is quite high, but everyone has warned me that labour pain is indescribable.

"What the fuck Hailey? Look at the poor woman, she's almost in tears. How can you watch this?"

"It's natural Harry. This is what women experience before giving birth."

"And look at the guy. He's just sitting there with one hand on the wheel and the other caressing her back. He can't do anything to help her. It's going to kill me seeing you in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it."

I nod my head in agreement. I know, I'm terrified of giving birth but it's going to be worth it in the long run. When she arrived safely and is healthy, all the pain will be worth it."

Harry places his hand on my stomach and caresses it. "I want you to keep cooking in there for as long as possible, but I'm so excited to meet you." He leans down and kisses my stomach before look up at me. "After shopping yesterday, it made me even more excited because it really hit me that this is for real. We are going to be parents in a couple of months. I actually can't wait, Hailey."

"Me too. It's going to be so different and our lives are going to change completely, but I'm excited too. I can't wait to dress her up in little outfits and take her for walks to the beach. I can't wait to sing to her and-"

The woman crying out in pain causes Harry and I to snap our attention back to the tv. They're in the hospital now and she's connected to the machines. Her husband says that she's now five centimetres dilated. That's only half way and look at how much pain she's in.

"Are you doing a natural birth or drugs?"

"Oh hell no, I'll be asking for the drugs. Either the gas or epidural. Rachel did her first birth natural and her exact words were I wasn't that stupid to do that the second time round.

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