75. Welcome Home

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"It has been a pleasure to be with you on this journey, Hailey." Dr Avery stops in the middle of the hall and pulls me into a hug. "I'm still upset that I wasn't able to deliver baby London, but I have enjoyed walking up and down the ward the past four days and stopping by to visit. Even if it was those agonising 3am feed me cries."

I laugh into her shoulder before we end our embrace and continue walking down the hallway. Dr Avery walked with me to the front desk where I signed my discharged papers. I'm excited to go home today. 

"She has quite the set of lungs on her, doesn't she?"

"I expect nothing less coming from two parents who are both singers."

I nod my head in agreement as we approach my room. I thank Dr Avery one last time for all of her support. She was a tremendous support network of mine throughout my pregnancy and without her, I know that my pregnancy would have been completely different. She notified me that I had a high risk pregnancy and overly stressing was causing harm to my baby. 

When I push the door open, I see Harry sitting on the chair by the window with London in his arms. Well, one arm more specifically. Harry is holding up his phone with his free hand.

"Do you want me to take the picture?" I ask him. 

Harry diverts his gaze from the phone, to me. "Hailey's just walked into the room." He turns the phone so that I can see the screen. I walk over to him to take a closer look and that's when I see Niall. 

"There's the Hazer." He says chirpily. Niall is such a positive ray of sunshine. Even in the morning because by the looks of his messy hair and the fact that he is still in bed, I am assuming that he has just woken up. "How you doin' girl?"

"Hey Niall." I sit on Harry's lap and take a glance down at London who looks so at peace in her father's arms. It is the safest place in the world. I look back at Niall before answering him. "I would be lying if I said brilliant. Emotionally I am still in awe of this gorgeous angel. But physically-" I pause and let out a deep breath of hair. "I've had better days. Put it this way, London isn't the only one currently wearing a diaper."

I was the idiot that thought birth would be the only part I should be fearful of. Nobody warned me of the after birth effects. Sure breastfeeding was uncomfortable at first because I felt like a human cow, but that wasn't the worst part. No, it was the fact that my stomach was in agonising pain because while I am breastfeeding, my uterus is contracting back to place because it separated during my pregnancy. 

"You're a tough cookie." Niall says to me. "Harry told me that you made it all the way to 7cm dilated before you had anything for the pain."

I nod my head. "Hey, I have a question. Do you know what 7cm dilated is?"

Niall shakes his head and falls back onto his pillow. "Nope. No clue."

Harry and I exchange a glance and share a laugh. 

"It's where the vagina grows wider so that the baby can be birthed through it. It dilated 10cm in total."

Niall's eyes widen as he looks at us in complete horror. I involuntarily laugh which adds pressure to my pelvis and I feel uneasy when a gush of blood fills my adult-like diaper. I need to stop laughing. This is the fourth time this has happened today. 

Harry gives my lower back a gentle squeeze. "You good?" He kisses my shoulder. 

I turn to him and nod my head. "I'm fine." I smile to assure him. 

Niall places his phone down on the bed and positions it against the sheets to hold it upright. Niall holds up his hands and moves them inwards and outwards. "Say this is 10cm." He holds his hands in place before moving them down between his legs. "The vagina really expands to that amount?"

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