31. Coming Home

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It's a new day and today is a very important day because it's the day Rachel is allowed to come home. Her speech is still a little slow but it's barely noticeable. I only notice because she has always spoken so fast but to strangers it wouldn't be if a difference. She still speaks faster than Harry does during interviews.

She currently can't walk and requires a wheelchair but after she gets physio treatments she will be able to build up her strength and walk with the help of a walking stick. We don't know if she will ever be able to walk without assistance ever again but it is possible. It all depends on how her body recovers and how she chooses to deal with it.

It's going to be hard for her to live like this but the main thing is that she's alive.

The kids are sitting in front of me. Tori is complaining that she wants to play on her iPad but she's already been on it for half an hour and she is only allowed one hour per day. Half an hour in the morning and half an hour at night.

"Your mummy is coming home today."

Tori smiles and sways side to side beside the kitchen table. "I'm excited to have mummy come home so we don't have to visit her in that white room again. Mummy said it's driving her insane."

I bet it would be.

"Aunty Hailey, is my mum going to be okay? She looks so sad."

"Your mum is better but she is still recovering from her accident so you have to be good for her, okay? She needs to sit in a wheelchair until she is strong enough to walk again so your daddy will push her around."

"Can I push mummy?" Tori asks.

"I think it's best if your dad does for now. But she has missed you so much and she's so excited to see you."

Tyde starts to cry. He wants more food. He's a hungry little boy this one. I walk into the cupboard and get out of ine his baby food capsules. I get out his spoon from the top drawer and peel open the capsule. He is already in his high chair so I start feeding him straight away.

"How long till mummy gets here?" Tori looks towards the front door. "I miss her."

"Soon." I reply to her.

Shortly after, the sound of the garage door opening can be heard. Tyde is still nibbling on his good and Tori runs over to the garage door.

"Just wait time the side Tor, your dad might need you to open the door for him."

Tori opens the door and Aaron walks in shortly after. He has a portable ramp and he places it by the garage door entrance.

"Do you need a hand?" I ask him.

"Na, it's fine." He walks back into the garage and helps Rachel our of the car. A few minutes later he pushes her inside and she looks around at her house.

"It's surprisingly cleaner than I thought. Though the kids toys are everywhere."

"They were playing with them earlier." I tell her as I continue feeding Tyde. Tori walks in front of her mum and she stares at her in her wheelchair.

"Can I hug you mummy or will I hurt you?"

Rachel reaches out to her. "Come sit on mummy's lap. You won't hurt me baby."

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