65. Mosquitos

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"Harry, I can see where we're going. I'm okay. I could do this walk with my eyes closed." I say while placing my hand over the flash flight on the back of his phone. He told me that we need the flashlight so that I don't trip over anything in the dark. It's currently 1:15am and I couldn't sleep because of the pain that this little girl is causing me. Not to mention the amount of pressure that she is putting on the very base of my uterus.

When I finish speaking, Harry stumbles on something and mutters profanities under his breath. He shines his flashlight on the ground. There's a thin branch with dead gum leaves hanging from it, blocking half of the right side of the footpath.

"Maybe the flashlight isn't for you." He kicks the branch off the path and onto the grass. "Fucking Australian nature. I've been bitten by at least thirty mosquitos, almost stepped on a dead possum, walked into three spider webs and almost had my foot amputated by a fucking branch."

I laugh at him. "You ought to get used to it if you're going to live here permanently. You haven't even seen the half of it."

"I still haven't seen a kangaroo running across the street. Everyone makes it sound like you Aussie's have kangaroos in your backyards. In all of the times that I have visited Australia, I've only seen kangaroos in the wildlife enclosures."

He continues shining his flashlight out in front of us. He has no idea that the reason why the mosquitos are biting him is because they're attracted to the light beaming from his flashlight.

"That's because I haven't taken you out to the country yet. If we drive about forty minutes out, then you'll see kangaroos. And if we go up north, they're more common there too, even in beachy places like this."

"Maybe we should go on a baby moon to these country or up north places that you are speaking of."

I raise my eyebrow and stare at him with confusion. "A baby moon? Styles, your visits are never longer than thirty six hours. There's no way we will have time for a baby moon."

"I have three more weeks off. I'd say that if there's anytime that we should go, it's now."

I shake my head at him. "I kind of want to just stay here. As nice as it would be to have some alone time just the two of us before she comes, I don't want to go too far away because I like being close to the hospital. If anything happens, we're just a short trip away."

He nods his head understandingly and then slaps his arm, squashing what I'm sure is another mosquito.

"I got two that time." He shines the light on his arm, revealing two squashed mosquitos. "I'm pretty sure they were fucking. At least they died happy."

I laugh at him which makes him laugh too. "I can't with you." I say, grabbing onto his arm. He places his arm around my shoulders and we continue walking. "That house there is my dream house."

Harry stops walking which forces me to stop too. He shines his light in on the house. I quickly put my hand over the light.

"Hersh, you can't just shine your light into somebodies home."

"They'll be asleep, they won't know."

"Then why are you whispering if you're so sure that they're asleep?"

He starts walking again, giving me a gentle tug as he does so because we're still attached by our arms around each other.

"We will take another look in the morning when it's light."

"Well you can. I can't. The only time I can walk freely is when it's pitch black like this. I'm not even wearing a jacket to cover my stomach. I feel free."

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