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"Let me guess Jin put u up to this!?" Hoseok scoffed. "Why does that matter Hobi why cant u just forgive Tae and stop being so dramatic!" Namjoon complained.

Hoseok sighed and fell to floor and leaned his back to the wall. "I want to but V makes me want to throw him across the world!" Hoseok says well groaning after.

Namjoon laughed and extending his hand to help Hoseok up. "I'll forgive him if u buy me ice cream." Hoseok teased well accepting Namjoon's hand.

"Fine!" Namjoon said and unlocked the door. They both left the bathroom towards the locker but before they could the bell rang.

They quickly headed to the class. They soon got to class and sat at there seats. "Does V always come late?" Jimin asked and  crosses his arms.

Namjoon laughs and nods. V soon comes into the class and totally ignores Hoseok's existence. "Can I talk to u after class..." Hoseok whispered to V. All V did was nod and look down.

Hoseok tried his best to look normal even though he was slighly panicked. All he could think was 'what if he hates me now!' And 'Oh my god it was such a mistake for me to make a bet with Namjoon about this!'.

The bell soon ruined his thoughts and he left the classroom and waited for V to come out of the class. "What did u ne-" V tried to say but Hoseok was already dragging him somewhere more private.

They were now at the back of the school. "What the hell Hoseok!" V slighly yelled well removing Hoseok's hand from his wrist. "V I'm sorry u were right and I am so sorry I just want to stop fight!" Hoseok admitted.

V grabbed Hoseok's arm and pulled him into a hug. "Hoseok u should know something first." V sighed. Hoseok felt sudden panick and removed him self from V.

"I went drinking with Jimin and Aera..." V admitted and kept a hold on Hoseok's arm.

"I know just as long as u didnt do anything else with Aera." Hoseok softly said. V laughed and nodded. "I want u and u only Hoseok I also want u to stop teasing me though." V laughed out.

Hoseok sighed at the words 'teasing' "I'm not teasing I'm just waiting!" Hoseok admitted. V thought about it and smirked. "Waiting for what?" V asked.

"I'm waiting for the right moment to ask something!" Hoseok says before he removed V's hand from his arm and started to walk in the direction of home.

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