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Suga gasped and pushed Jimin off the bench. "Well to bad your gay and your taken by my adorable ass!" Suga said well crossing his arms. Hoseok groaned and continued to stare at Aera. "She is totally hot and look at how V looks at her smile!" Hoseok said well rolling his eyes. Jimin sat back on the bench and saw.

"She smiles exactly like u Hoseok!" Jimin said well laughing. Hoseok rolled his eyes and crossed his arms like Suga. "No one can smile like me my smile is unique!" Hoseok said well looking at Jimin.

Jimin laughed and shook his head. "She is like the girl version of u Hoseok!" Jimin said well smirking. "So u also calling him hot to!?" Suga said well rolling his eyes again. Jimin laughed and continues to stare at Aera. V started to walk towards them. "Aera is very kind." V said well sitting close next to Hosoek. "She is very pretty." Jimin said well continuing to look at Aera. "U guys are morons!" Suga and Hoseok said at the same time and stood up. "Hey where u guys going!?" Jimin and V said in sync. "Somewhere far from u morons!" Hoseok and Suga said in sync.

"Bottoms..." Jimin and V said underneath there breath. Suga and Hoseok went into the bathroom and Hoseok looked himself in the mirror. "Am I not good enough for him or something!?" Hoseok said well looking himself into the mirror. "What no! Boys are just morons and dont see right!" Suga said well rolling his eyes. Hoseok took a second to think. "U know we sound like girls right." Hoseok said well laughing.

V and Jimin walked in and stared. "We could hear u guys from a mile away and u guys sound like girls!" Jimin said well back hugging Suga. Hoseok rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. "U have no right to be hugging me when u totally just stared at Aera like u were straight!" Suga said well pushing Jimin off of him.

V laughed and leaned against the wall close to Hoseok. "U to Tae how dare u think we are okay when u were looking at here like u were straight!" Hoseok said well leaving the bathroom. Suga followed behind. V rolled his eyes and the bell rang. They went to class and Hoseok sat down with a pout.

He looked at Aera and groaned. He felt jealousy come over him once he got a good looked at her face.

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