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He looks behind him to see Hoseok. "Sorry did I scare u?" Hoseok said softly. V shakes his head and smiles. "I just saw u walking in the direction my house is so I thought I should catch up." Hoseok said.  V smiles and nods. "Glad u decided to do that." V said well laughing.

They walked together until Hoseok reached the front of his house. "Wait do u live around here or something?" Hoseok said confused. V looks at his house next to hoseoks and points. "I live right there next to your house just moved here actually." V said well smiling. Hoseok looks at V in shock. "Well welcome to my neighborhood." Hoseok said well smirking.

V smiles. "Well I'll see u tomorrow wait for me in the morning!" Hoseok said well walkinh into his to his house. V stared as hoseok entered his house. He sighs and started to walk into his own.

Hoseok POV

"Hey everyone!" Hosoek said well going upstairs. No one had the chance to say hi back. He changed into something comfy and flopped himself onto the bed. He grabbed his phone.


Hey so u completely sure u can make it to the party tomorrow!?

Of course any day is a party day if u ask me

Good to know so then u down to spend the night with me and Jimin with suga?

Of course

Okay sounds good

He puts his phone away and smiles. He noticed what he did and sighed to himself. "Dont fall for him Hosoek!" He said to himself. Night came and he tried to sleep. It was 6 in the morning once he finally had a little bit of sleep. He slept for
an hour of sleep before he forced himself to wake up.

He sighed and yawned. "Dammit." Hoseok said to himself. He got up and changed into a white shirt with blue jeans and yellow shoes with a black hat to hide his messy hair. He quickly grabbed his bag and left without saying good bye to his family.

He saw V standing outside wearing a red long sleeved shirt that was tucked into his black jeans with black shoes. "U look great today!" Hoseok said well lowkey checking V out. V smiles and looks at Hoseoks hat. "Why are u wearing a hat!" V said well grabbing the hat. All Hoseok's tangled hair flopped out of the hat. "Yes I got very lazy." Hoseok said well grabbing the hat back. V lets out a small laugh. Hosoek puts the hat back on with a pout and pushed V out of his way.

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