"How are you little sister?"

I open my mouth to speak, but stop as she continues talking.

"How is your perfect little life going? Your dream job, having the opportunity to move to a new country, living life in the spotlight, being rich, going to parties, meeting the most popular celebs and my personal favourite, getting knocked up by the worlds most desired man? You have your own perfect life so you need to stay the fuck out of mine. I bet you loved having my kids so often while I was unconscious. Aaron continues to tell me how wonderful you are to them. Tori tells me how much she enjoys being around you and always asks me when she can hang out with you next."

"What the hell are you on about?"

"While I was in a coma, you were replacing me. You've taken my kids, you've been keeping tabs on my job and you have been consoling my fiancé. You've taken everything from me. Everybody keeps telling me how much they love and adore you. So why don't you just fucking have them all. I bet you wish that I never woke up so you could. I'm sure you would love to have Tori and Tyde as well as that baby. At least you know Aaron would be around to look after her while Harry is off singing songs to twelve year olds every night."

I bite down on my lip to stop myself from screaming at her. This is what she wants. She wants me to get mad and yell at her. She wants a reaction from me. But something that I have learned from my incredibly calm boyfriend who apparently performs to twelve year olds, is to take a deep breath and stay calm.

"Yeah, I love spending time with Aaron, Tyde and Tori. You have created such an incredible family. Though I can't say that each time I hung out with them, I was incredibly thrilled. I tried to be. I tried to be strong and act happy but really I was a mess inside. I was a mess because I couldn't stop thinking about my big sister. My best friend. The person I go to advice for everything. The person I told about my first crush, the first person I told when I got my period, the first person I told that I fell in love, the person I cried with on the phone for hours about my break up, the first person who found out about my pregnancy. All my life, you have been the first person I had thought of to share things with. You were always there to fix my problems or to pick up my broken pieces. You did whatever you could to help me."

"I tried to do the same. I tried to help your family. Take your kids to school, bath them, put them to bed while your fiancé spent whatever free time he had, by your side or making sure your business stayed afloat. I consoled Aaron while he cried his eyes out while sitting beside your hospital bed, praying that god wouldn't take you away from him."

"And my life is far from perfect. Sure I have been incredibly lucky, but I didn't get this life without working my damn ass off. I have had more set backs than I can remember. I am so grateful that I fell in love with one of the worlds most desired men and I pinch myself every day over the thought that I am the woman that he loves. But my life isn't perfect."

"You get to wake up with your man by your side every morning meanwhile mine is in a new city almost every night. Sometimes I'm not even allowed to visit him because his life is controlled by a messed up management and contracts. Our relationship is controlled by fucking signed pieces of paper. I can't have him here by my side while I carry our daughter inside of me. He has to be at my doctors appointments via FaceTime. He can't feel her kick. Who even knows if he will be here for the birth."

"I can't even walk into my own backyard without an oversized shirt because if the neighbours see my bump, the news about my pregnancy will get out. I have people sending me death threats because I am dating Harry. Imagine if they found out I was carrying his child. My baby girls life would be put at risk. Now my problems are no way near as bad as yours and it isn't my intention to compare them. But don't sit there and say that my life is perfect, when it's not."

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