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Days later, Edward had left to go to the mainland to hunt to gather some strength and energy when Lilith got an idea for something for her to do. It was Edward's birthday coming up in a few days time and she wanted to celebrate. Edward had made sure she was always feeling special and celebrated on her birthdays and she felt she was falling short in that department. She wasn't really; she always gave him gifts and took him out on dates for his birthday, but, she wanted to go a little bit more above and beyond this year especially since it's the first birthday they'll be spending together as a married couple.

Lilith knew Edward wouldn't be gone for too long as he didn't want to leave her by herself for too long of a time in case something happened, but, it would still give her enough time to go ahead with whatever she had planned for him. She had noticed that he would never be gone for longer than an hour and a half to two hours at most, depending on how hungry he was and how long he had gone without feeding.

Sometimes she'd try and get him to not rush himself because she would be fine and all she would probably do is nap to catch up on sleep that she has missed due to reoccurring nightmares or nighttime activities, or lay on the beach while he was gone; she wouldn't try to do anything dangerous because all she wanted to do was relax and have fun while they were away. She has had enough of danger to last her a lifetime.

As soon as he left, she immediately started looking through the cupboards for what she needed and let out a happy screech when she had everything she needed and could make him a cake.

She realised that Edward wouldn't be able to eat it without having to make himself throw it up back up later so she made sure to keep it small sized and make it in the flavour that she was craving since she would have to eat it all by herself; that way she would have to throw out as little of the cake as possible—if there was anything to throw out in the first place.

It didn't take long for Lilith to brush up on her baking skills, having used to bake with her mother regularly on weekends during her childhood and thankfully having access to the internet to search up any steps that she felt she may have forgotten.

She preheated the oven and made the cake batter quite quickly and easily while she waited for it to heat up, taking a lick of the batter every now and again to taste, feeling strange now she no longer had her mother slapping her hands away whenever she reached to swipe the bowl before placing the cake tray into the hot oven.

While she waited for the cake to cook, she began to think deeply about how she was going to miss moments like that with her parents; all the little things that she remembered her parents doing when she was growing up would sadly only become a faint memory to her later on in the future. Things like baking together, practicing and learning magic, going on day drips, etc. were no longer things that were going to be able to be done with her parents.

She was quite upset that there was no possibility of her being able to pass down those traditions of doing those activities with her own children. While she was upset, she understood that it was a sacrifice she would have to make in order to be able to live her life and be with the person she loved most. She was sure in the future—if they were desperate enough to have a family of their own—that that Edward would agree to adopt a child. He was the type to love someone unconditionally, even if the child wasn't biologically his, as he was raised the same way by Carlisle after the death of his own parents.

Sometimes Lilith thought it was interesting how Alice and Jasper or Rosalie and Emmett never adopted a child of their own and start a family like she knew they wanted to, but, time and fate was always a funny thing and they might not of believed that it was the correct time to bring an innocent child into their world—among other reasons like Jasper's uncontrollable thirst and their struggle to find a way to calm it before someone got hurt.

𝐁𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 ― 𝐞. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant