Chapter 56: A Really Bad Day For The Prodigy

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"Just who the hell does that bastard think he is?!

As soon as the trio had returned back to headquarters, all the rage and anger the eldest didn't knew he had been keeping hidden this entire time came spilling out like a raging storm. And seemingly for a long period of time, his younger brother was left to nervously watch as his older sibbling let it all out and angrily paced all over the chamber they were alone in. The pale girl however, for some reason was nowhere to be seen. Lucky her!

"Shorty?! I am not even that short!"

It was something very stupid to be downright pissed about, Ashura knew that. However, he has already seen what his big brother really looked like when he's way angrier than this. Although, in spite of that very fact regarding his short-tempered older brother, Ashura couldn't help but quietly mutter out his 'honest' opinion.

"Technically, you are shorter than him and he was taller. So..."

His voice may be low, but it was in actuality quite noticeable enough for anyone within his radius to hear. In fact, one of them was the grumpy prodigy himself, making him whip his head to shoot his younger brother a glare. Of course, Indra felt very insulted that his own brother would agree to such ludicrous nickname.

"Look, Elder Brother. You really need to calm down. I don't wanna judge you, really I don't. Although, I couldn't help but notice that your anger became a bit out of control earlier."

Shockingly and thankfully in the same time, Indra for some reason did no attempt to argue nor spat at his little brother for daring to say something regarding his well-being. After all, he was a very independent person, the kind of person who doesn't let anyone judge how he treats his own life. Instead, he just took in a deep breath before letting it all out.

"You're right, this is getting us nowhere." Folding both his arms over his chest, he then added "Anyway, back to why we're here. Hold on for a sec!"

Approaching the open window nearby from where stood, he peeked his head out and twisted his head both left and right, making him look as if he was checking for something, whether someone was around rather. Whatever the case, when he saw no single person in his sight, he then grabbed on to both of the windows' paper doors and slid them close. And after that, he then moved on towards the doors that led out of the room he and his brother were in and did the same, peeked his head out before sliding the doors closed.

It may be a bright and sunny today, but with the doors and window now closed shut, the room the brothers were in obviously got a bit darker than before. With all that said and done, the older male then turned to look back at his younger brother. From the looks of it, all the anger and rage in Indra's complexion seems to have been completely replaced by his usual serious and stern one.

"Ashura, do you still remember what happened years ago? You know, the 'Princess' incident."

Placing his thumb and index finger below his chin, Ashura then loudly hummed as he began to scan through his mind whether he has such memory of said particular incident. After a few seconds of thinking to himself, a look of realization then soon after appeared on the younger male's features.

"Oh, you mean that time we discovered that it turns out yokai spirits were real?"

"Shhh! Ashura, keep your voice down. People might hear!" Indra silently sneered as he pressed his index finger close to his gritting teeth.

Suddenly, the look of realization on the younger brunette's face was then replaced by a frightened one.

"Elder Brother, I swear. I didn't tell anyone about it, I promise!" Ashura quietly said, both his hands were frantically waving in the air. "Heck, the incident barley even crossed my mind all this time. That's until you mentioned it that is."

A Tale Of True Demons - Book 1: Innocence Begone (Indra Otsutsuki)Where stories live. Discover now