Chapter 41: Turns Out They Are Real After All

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Sniffing high up in the air with the use of his tiny black nose, Shiro then began trotting off further and further, following the trail his nose was guiding him to. Not far following behind were the two brothers themselves. And from the looks of it, wherever they were going, the expert tracker of a pup led them into a densely forested area.

That's until the little shiba suddenly stopped in his tracks and began dangerously growling to a certain area before him.

"What is it, litte buddy?"

As some sort of odd response to the young brunette's question, both he and his older brother soon after heard what sounded to be a couple voices belonging to men.

"Ashura!" The older male quietly exclaimed as he whipped his head towards the young boy, his eyes sending him a silent message.

In response, the boy immediately understood his elder's message by giving him a slight nod and hum.

"Shhh! Quiet down, boy!" He whispered as he quickly knelt down in one knee to swipe the dog and held him in his arms.

Thankfully also, little Shiro obeyed his master's command and stopped growling. Soon after, with light footsteps against the grassy floor, both Indra and Ashura began to silently followed to where they thought the voices were coming from. The further they tiptoed, the louder and more clear the voices became, allowing the brothers to finally make out what they were saying.

"Lads, let us rejoice!"

"Not only did we found the source, but we found the princess herself!"

Hearing this made the brothers shoot glances at each other, having the same assumption on whomever the voices referred to as...

"Princess?" Ashura quietly said in a confusing tone and an arched eyebrow.

Whatever the case, it also made them two hurriedly but still quietly follow the voices. That's when they finally found the source, making the pair quickly hide behind a nearby tree large enough to hide them both to avoid detection.

Slowly and carefully poking their heads out to see, both brunettes finally spotted their albino companion, whom was surprisingly did not look scared at all, just confused as she calmly sat at a large stump.

"Sis!" Ashura whispered in shock and was about to run towards her, only to be stopped by his older brother's hand lightly pressed against his chest.

"Ashura, wait!"

What he was referring to were the familiar two men surrounding her, blocking her from any chance for her to escape. But what's only worse was when they found two more men surrounding her. Unlike the first two men, the other two were rather smaller and thinner of lean build.

There was one wearing a kasa hat and the other looked to be dressed like a monk.

"This doesen't make any sense, they're just random people!" Indra whispered in disbelief.

"Whoever they are, they sure got some guts taking Sis away like that!"

The brunettes then fell into silence in order to carefully listen and watch the scene carry out before them, trying to find out what on earth was going on and why these four men took her to begin with.

"Anyhow, now that we finally found her, and now standing in the middle of nowhere, is it already safe for us to know?" Asked the man in the hat.

For some reason, this made the monk smack the back of his head before sneering "Be patient you idiot, we may not know that there might still be people lurking all around here."

A Tale Of True Demons - Book 1: Innocence Begone (Indra Otsutsuki)Where stories live. Discover now