Chapter 55: If He Wasn't Aggravated Enough

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As soon as the following day came, the village marketplace was slightly busy, even during this early hour of this morning. And one of these busy people were the familiar Otsutsuki trio themselves. Now strolling through the somewhat bustling streets of the market streets, each of the brunette brothers carried a heavy load, leaving them trailing behind the albino girl who walked ahead of them.

Ashura now carried what looked to be a large sack over one shoulder. As for Indra, he held with both hands a woven basket that was filled to the brim with a variety of different herbs and vegetables. Although, what was actually very worrying about the prodigy was that besides the purple markings below his eyes, there were as well these quite noticeable black bags hanging right beneath them.

"Elder Brother, are you alright?"

Hearing his sibbling beside him ask, as well as noticing the concerned tone in his voice made said male turn to meet gazes with the younger male, finding his eyes narrowed down into a worried look.

"I'm fine!" That was all he said before turning to look away from his younger brother.

"Are you sure? Because you look really awful. Don't tell me you haven't even gotten enough sleep last night."

"Ashura, I said I'm fine. So stop asking me these stupid questions already!"

The elder's voice may be low, but that didn't mean the rage and annoyance wasn't nor lessened from within his tone. And that was simply enough to make the younger male obey his older brother and immediately shut his mouth. For a moment, the two brothers strolled through the streets in complete awkward silence.

"You know, I actually heard from Futami that you have been looking through the books all night in search of what kind of sickness are we dealing with here."

Ashura hesitantly spoke, breaking the looming silence between them two. However, his elder didn't say anything in response to his younger brother, it was as if he really wanted to remain silent along the way. Even though his words were an in between of being completely obvious and completely random stupid, he just needed had to say something.

Ashura may not be the smartest, but he still needed to at least do something to ease up the tension forming between him and his brother, even if it means slowly going through an awkward start. And seeing to it that his older sibbling was still not in equal terms with him, he didn't give in and decided to try again.

"So, were you able to find what you were looking for?"

Surprisingly, even for the young spiky-haired brunette himself, the older male finally responded something.

"No, I haven't!"

The obvious answer was written all over his face anyway, even his own words made him sound like he didn't really like to talk about it, at the very moment precisely. Right when he was about to once again attempt to lighten the mood between them them two, that's when he noticed something that stood a few feet far ahead of them.

"Hey, Elder Brother! Who's that guy talking to Sis?" Ashura curiously asked, his head tilted a bit to the side in bewilderment.

Confused by his younger brother's question, Indra then followed his gaze to see what he had just meant by that. That's when both simultaneously stopped in their tracks as soon as they happen to notice their female companion somewhat conversing with someone a few steps ahead of them. And that very someone appears to be a young male whom looked to be the same age as the prodigy.

Strangely enough, his dark eyes for some strange reason were now dangerously narrowed into a glower as he intensely starred at the albino teen being with another male. But during the very moment he saw the male pull out what appears to be a pink peony from behind his back, now that made his hands tightly grip on to the basket he was now holding.

A Tale Of True Demons - Book 1: Innocence Begone (Indra Otsutsuki)Where stories live. Discover now