Chapter 53: A Day With A Bad Start

Start from the beginning


Hearing his voice echo across the hall, she then stopped and spun herself to meet gazes with him. As soon as she was now facing her, it was later on revealed to him that she was now holding on to a large tray, and sat above it were five large bowls. With careful eyes, the male teen had managed to as well notice the few scraps of moist rice sticking at the walls inside each of the dishes.

So, he needed to ask "So, you've just woken up?"

The girl simply replied to him with a hum and a nod. The expression in her face then changed into slightly worried one before raising one hand while the other still held on to the tray.

You. Look. Exhausted.,. Are. You. Alright.?.

Letting out a sigh, he lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck before saying "I wasn't able to get any rest last night, that's why. I've been scanning through every single book in hopes to find out what Ashura and I just found in those fishing boats yesterday."

Were. You. Able. To. Find. What. You. Were. Looking. For.?.

With a disappointed look on his features, he exasperatedly sighed "No, I haven't!"

The only response he recieved from her was a hum and nod of understanding.

"Here, let me help you with that!" He added as he raised both of his hands and slowly drew them close to the tray that was in her hands.

But right before he could even touch the wooden object, she had managed to quickly pull it away from him. This left the brunette confused a bit, but just by looking at the way how she gently closed her eyes like so, he could easily tell that she was giving him an apologetic look for some reason.

No. Need.!. I. Can. Take. Care. Of. It Myself... Besides.,. One. Of. Them. Are. Already. Awake.,. So. It. Is. The. Perfect. Opportunity. For. You. To. Ask. Questions...

"Well, you do have a point. Very well then!"

With that out of the way, the female teen then turned and was about to walk away.


Once more, she paused in her tracks and spun herself to look back at him.

"It's going to be sunny toady, isn't it? Does that mean you're going to be doing the laundry today?"

Confused by the question a bit, but she managed to respond to him once more with a nod and a hum.

"I see!" That was all he said before turning to walk the opposite direction from where she was going. "You can go now!"

She stood there for a moment as she watched his form disappear as he walked further and further away from her. Eventually, she too turned to leave and continued on her way to whatever destination she was going to.


Now standing before the doors that led to the infirmary, Indra then raised a hand and drew it close to the door. But right when he was about to slide one open, it seems that someone had got to do it before he even had the chance. And from the looks of it, whoever it was, the shojis seems to have been opened from the opposite side from where he was standing.

And that very someone was none other than his younger brother himself, whom now had this shocked and confused look on his face the very moment he finally noticed someone blocking him from exiting the chamber.

"Ashura?" Indra spoke in a questioning tone as he stepped back a bit, allowing the younger male to step out of the open doors before sliding them close from behind them.

A Tale Of True Demons - Book 1: Innocence Begone (Indra Otsutsuki)Where stories live. Discover now