89: Master Jealous of Disciple (6)

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89: Master Jealous of Disciple (6)

Chi Xiafeng really no longer supplies Qingjianfeng elixir.

No one said anything at Chiyun Sect. After all, Qing Jianfeng was indeed underpopulated, not a disciple of disciples, and only four people in total including Qing Qingzun himself.

Now Rong Jue, once known as a genius, has become a waste and no longer needs elixir. Only three people need elixir.

The suzerain and other Supreme Masters also opened one eye and closed one eye just as if they hadn't seen it.

Although it is said that Chi Xiafeng came to find trouble by himself, but who makes Chi Xiafeng more people basically supplies all the medicines.

If Shiqing's father hadn't risen before, then this matter would naturally be discussed, but now Qing Jianfeng's highest repair is nothing more than a peony medicine. For him, he was a little too bad for Chi Xiafeng.

Rong Jue had expected it to be so.

What is the first immortal sect, there are not fewer magpies below than the demon world.

The so-called Qing Jianfeng has a wide network of people, but it is just the dust of autumn. When the wind blows, it disappears.

He was simply curious, always thinking that his status was high in Chiyunzong, when Qing knew what would happen to him.

Rong Jue wants to know is very simple.

After he was "hunted" by Zhang Qiuhui, maybe he was worried that he wouldn't be able to wait for himself once again. Shi Qing took him directly with him.

After all, let him go to the mortal world, and now he looks worse than a mortal.

If he was left at the foot of the mountain, he would be a mortal, and in the event of revenge by Chi Xiafeng, even if he avenged him afterwards, it would not help.

Rong Jue can see that Shi Qing intends to keep his mortal disciple by his side, so that he can eat and drink forever, so that he can live peacefully to the end of his life.

What he felt was that since he became a mortal, Shi Qing's attitude gradually eased, and he was no longer as cold as he used to be.

Although his attitude is still aloof, it seems that Shi Qing intends to get along with him in the future.

It is easy to think.

Destroy him and make him suffer.

Until now, what a good teacher.

If it was the glory of the past life at this time, I am afraid that because of Shi Qing's slowing down, the hatred in my heart will gradually be relieved.

But now, Rong Jue is the one who has tasted the warmth and coldness, pain, torture, and lost everything.

He saw that Shiqing seemed to have distress, but it did not mean that he could let it pass.

Of course, no matter what Rongjue thinks in his heart, before he has come back to practice, he still shows that admirer, like a disciple who knows nothing.


Rong Jue was taken directly to the top of the cliff.

Then they faced a very embarrassing question.

When the house was built, the possibility of a second person staying was not considered at all.

As a matter of course, it has only one bed.

So the question is, how do two people, one bed, sleep.

Demon respect frowned slightly at him, as if thinking about what to do about Master.

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