10: First World (10)

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10: The first world (10)

Yin Mingzheng brought Shi Qing to the room where he lived before.

Since he "sacrifice", the base has closed the room. No one inside has moved, creating an appearance for them to respect Yin Mingzheng.

The man originally planned to settle Shi Qing in the room first, and then go back to Lao Huang to see if he needed treatment.

As a result, Shi Qing was obsessed with Yin Mingzheng to accompany himself to make up his sleep, and in the end he was not regarded as a medical therapist.

Shi Qing took his hand, pressed it on his heart, and asked him to feel the mechanical heart that was beating, a small grievance: "I didn't sleep to find you."

"I am a human body now, and it would be uncomfortable not to sleep."

When the natural appearance of the boy with a weak voice softened his tone and showed a pitiful expression, Yin Mingzheng could not always refuse him.

In particular, Shi Qing also moved Yin Mingzheng's mechanical heart out of him.

So the two of them fell together comfortably and slept together for a long time.

--For Yin Mingzheng.

Anyway, these days, Qing is spraying incense every night that faints people into himself and sleeps in his arms.

Yin Mingzheng is too tired.

Over the course of this journey, while feeling the condemnation inside, he was worried that Shi Qing was catching up, and at the same time, he was to guard against the nearby Zerg, almost tense every tense.

He could persist until the base had fallen, relying on his strong willpower, and then the rosemary that Shiqing gave every night healed his fatigue.

It's just that the physical exhaustion can be cured, but the mental exhaustion needs to be adjusted by himself.

If Shi Qing does not show up, Yin Mingzheng will only bear it silently, and when he has done nothing, he will continue to do things with tense spirit.

But his little prince appeared.

Like a little leopard who would never give up if he didn't achieve his goal, he whispered into his arms with a wolf howling.

Before he could react, the little leopard whipped his clothes again and again, and grieved grievingly. Not only did he not blame the prey for running away, but he was full of dependence.

I have to say that at this moment, Yin Mingzheng felt more guilty at the same time, and at the same time, he felt a great satisfaction in his heart.

That night, he was like a dragon, trapped his treasures, and slept beautifully.

Before going to bed, Yin Mingzheng made a decision.

Since Shi Qing gave up the spacecraft and came to him, he must protect him.

Shi Qing had weaknesses for his sake, which was his responsibility.

As soon as he felt refreshed, Yin Mingzheng remembered last night's promise, and his memory began to return. He closed his eyes, thinking about Qing 's weak and timid appearance yesterday, and raised his heart to pity.

Poor little guy, he must have been scared when he left the spacecraft for the first time.

He is just a tens of thousands of years old baby.

Yin Mingzheng decided to make time today to comfort Shiqing so that he should not be so scared. After making a decision, he was about to open his eyes and suddenly felt that something was wrong with him.

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