63: Researcher (1)

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63: Researcher (1)

Research scientist Shi Qing first walked around in his house.

As a nobleman, even in the Institute of Science and Technology, his lounge was very gorgeously furnished.

Aromatherapy was placed on the table, exuding a faint aroma.

Shi Qing picked up the photo next to the fragrance and looked at it.

It is the original owner and his father.

The history of the Chinese nation in this world took a turn under the setting of the original author. Since 700 years ago, it has been elevated. The Chinese nation has not closed its borders. Instead, it has actively developed itself while exploring other countries. It was successfully and successfully preserved during the war Own country.

After the war, the emperors of the time thought that they needed to change, and soon the country became a constitutional monarchy.

Shi Qing and male lead Qin Yunsheng are both aristocratic.

Shi Qing's ancestors were once named as aliens, and his father became the duke through his own efforts.

Generally, only the blood of the royal family can win the duke, and the civilians do not have this opportunity at all, so his father can be said to be quite a critic.

Qin Yunsheng is a surname with the queen, which can be regarded as the declining royal family. Although he has the same bloodline as the queen, but because his branch has fallen, the title that falls on Qin Yunsheng is the lowest baron.

Because the royal family voluntarily gave up the right to control the world, the power of the Chinese royal family was much greater than that of other countries. As a baron, Qin Yunsheng, even if he was inactive for a lifetime, the royal family would also beat him every month. It's been seven hundred years, and of course it's full.

However, Qin Yunsheng chose to join the army, fighting hard for military skills like an ordinary person.

If it were not for the plot to collapse, as a male lead, he would be selected as the crown prince because of his military achievements. After all, the queen is already old, never married, and naturally has no children.

Then, unfortunately, he met the original owner and finished playing directly.

Even if the aristocracy now does not have the supreme power as before, it still has a higher status than ordinary people. The original owner could live a good life even if he did nothing.

But he lost his mother from an early age, and his father was very busy. Even if he was properly taken care of by a nanny, his temper was still a little bit too aggressive.

For example, to show off.

Everyone has a flaunting factor in their hearts, which may be a perfect score obtained during school, or a good school obtained during the examination.

The original owner also likes to show off, but he has no ability himself.

I do n't have the capital to show off, and I like to show off. What should I do?

Steal others' achievements as your own puppet.

There are so many places in the whole country that can show his ability. He chose the Academy of Science and Technology for a reason.

The woman who went out just now is the cousin of the original owner. The cousin's father does not have the title of a duke, but because he is considered a nobleman, his life is not bad.

Before the original owner was born, the duke was obsessed with his career and did not intend to get married. He all said that he would be alone in his life.

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