"Having the comeback is nice, dieting isn't," Soojin said and picked a piece of kimchi. 

"I have been craving spicy foods and cheesecake for a month. Can't I ditch the diet for a day?" I said pitifully looking at the Spicy Jokbal the boys had ordered. "This is way too hard!"

"Just a piece won't kill you," Jisung said picking up a piece and putting it in front of my mouth. "Come on, eat it!"

Not needing to be told twice, I ate it and it felt as if I won a prize. I had a problem with spicy food and I could never get enough of it.

"Is this heaven?" I joked and they laughed.

"Now the only thing left is that cheesecake!" Soojin pointed out. 

"If there is cheesecake involved, you know I'm in!" Jisung said.

"Then you two can have a date," Hyunjin said and we all burst out laughing but for different reasons. "No but, seriously, you two are very good friends and Jisung said he wanted to go shopping with you one day, so you can do both things."

"Sure, I don't see why not," I said turning to Jisung. "Should we go one of these days?"

"Aren't you busy with the comeback?" he asked me. "Didn't you just say you were on a diet?"

"You were the one who said just a piece won't kill me. It's not like I would be eating a whole cake," I said and chuckled. "Also, about having time, we have nothing scheduled on the second of December. Sure, we still need to practice, but we can finish early and go out for a few hours."

"Fine by me!" he said and we both high-fived nonchalantly before we continued eating, making the rest chuckle at our weird encounter.

Although we technically didn't say it, we both knew that it was a date, most importantly the date we had had to postpone due to the show airing. Now that we both knew we were going to reveal our relationship before the program aired, we didn't mind going on a date with cameras around for part of it, so that was the best excuse we had.


After dinner, we all went back to the dorms and I told Jisung to come with me to my room so we could discuss more the 'date' with the excuse of having to talk about some things for the 'Fever' performance. 

Although my room was also the studio and lounge room, no cameras were installed since it would be a serious violation of privacy and instead what we did was move the cameras to the room in the case we were producing. 

"So... what was it you wanted to talk about?" Jisung asked me and sat down on the couch.

"It's about the 'date'," I said sitting down beside him. "Should we call it a date?"

"I think so, yes."

"The thing is that there will probably be cameras around us for part of it, so that's why I don't know whether to call it a date or not."

"It's us two going out together and hanging out, you can call it a date or just a night out, the thing is that we two are dating so technically every time we go out alone is considered a date," he said and I giggled. "I love when you giggle."

"Oh, shut up!" I said hitting his arm.

"Why? It's true!" he said and I just rolled my eyes but smiled. "Anyways, I was thinking that, since you said you don't have anything scheduled for the second of December, we could maybe instead go out on the night of the first and spend the night out like that day at the bridge."

"Oh... I like that idea. We could get the cheesecake in the morning instead of at night too," I said with a smile.

"We should go to the bridge again," he said. "I don't want the mood to change completely, but I want you to make as many good memories there as possible."

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