Time Is Ticking...

Start from the beginning

The man's grin only increases like a balloon receiving oxygen, thrill was lit up across his face like a lantern and his eyes dazzled with excitement.

"Well don't get to heart broken, Brzenska. I decided to join Garrison after all." he replied as smoothly as hearing wine being poured from the bottle, his gaze refusing to look anywhere else but the four foot soldier.

Rico instantly raised her right brow full of intrigue keeping her stare as focused and aligned like an eagle about to swoop in on it's next meal, though I couldn't help but notice more color started to burn across her cheeks.

"What made you decide Garrison, Ian?" she questioned, taking a few steps forward where her head barely reached his sternum.

Ian's grin transformed into a smirk, copying Rico like a mirror to fold his arms across his chest though he leaned forward allowing their faces about to collide.

"Oh......" he breathed his smirk staining his lips like paint on a canvas. "Just a certain someone that influenced me to join."

Ooooh, is there something going on between them?

Rico's eyes trailed Ian up and down like a menu at a restaurant forming a smile to shine across her lips to shine as brightly as a firefly. "Interesting Dietrich, it's just a shame how hard you have worked, and your still gonna be underneath me since I'm more qualified for the leader position."

Ian's long face pumped and fused with excitement like a water balloon his lips, lifting every single muscle on his face from entertainment, while his lips only continued to smirk from interest.

"I've never had a problem of females leading.....especially someone like you, Brzenska." blew Ian as lowly as blowing out a candle leaving Rico like a leaf in the wind, provoking more color to rise in her cheeks from his sudden comment.......but I was too keen to learn about this Ian fellow.

Once Ian was blown with the wind, I gently use my elbow to nudge Rico against her shoulder to call for her attention, instantly seizing it since if I would have known any better, Rico was just a smidge fried like a chicken.

"Looks like someone is more than friends with Ian Dietrich." I teased her while slipping a a giggle from excitement, knowing well there was a spark lit from their encounter.

Rico's blue eyes cold as ice followed Ian's footsteps like glue, watching him like a picture book as her thoughts ran loose like a horse.

"I wouldn't deny it Sinclair, that Dietrich is one hell of a solider. He never gives up especially on me."

Later that Evening

The remaining of the day the girls and I spent it with each other laughing and talking our heads off I felt like a hot air balloon from all the elevation in me. The stories we told or the teases we passed about the certain men we liked only left us blushing as hot as a cherry, but the best way to end the end was with a tasty hot meal to satisfy our bellies.

The four of us all had entered the dinning room, bellies growing and snarling at me like a wolf from the lack of nutrition, and salivating like dogs to smell the warm moist air of freshly baked bread.


Imagining the white fluffy cloud in the palm of my hands brought me joy, but biting into the bread only encouraged me to advance faster to the line of cadets swarming the counter of food like flies towards garbage, but a certain tall blonde had swayed his way in as gracefully as cutting into a tango.

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