"Good morning," she said and yawned. "What are you preparing?"

"Just some toasts. Do you want anything in particular?" I asked her.

"Not really," she said. "Can I help you with something?"

"Set the table, please," I told her and she started doing it.

To be honest, I was confused as to why they wanted us to record our life since it wasn't anything out of the ordinary apart from the promotion part and even that was a little bit repetitive after a while. Sure, we had fun when promoting, but it still was repetitive. It was work.

After the breakfast was ready, I took the toasts and the cups of milk to the table, where all of the girls were already waiting.

"Bon appetite!" I told them and we started eating.

"So... what's the plan for today, then?" Leah asked as we ate.

"Nothing, really," Mika answered. "We will have to wait for Yeongjae to come with the staff but as of now nothing at all."

"I guess taking days off is a luxury..." Soojin said and sighed before taking a sip of her milk.

Although the girls had already filmed a lot of videos for V-Live before I joined the group, we hadn't recorded anything special since I joined. The only things were the making of the music videos and the live streams and I had only done one of the latter by myself, so I wasn't that comfortable around the cameras. If I was normally the quiet type, with the cameras around I barely even said anything.

"Shouldn't we tell the guys to not come over until later?" I asked after a while. "Since the staff are coming and all, I mean."

"Oh, you are right. Let me text Chan," Mika said and stood up to pick up her phone and text him.

"I don't understand why they haven't told us before," Lin asked. "I am okay with it, don't get me wrong, but they should have told us."

"I guess they wanted to see our reactions," Soojin said. "Our Alix here has eyes like a hawk and caught them quickly, however."

"In this context is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked her although smiling a little.

"In my opinion, a good one," she said and stood up since she had already finished. "Let's clean this up before they come."

Not wasting any time, we quickly cleaned all up and Leah and Soojin washed the dishes while Lin cleaned the table, so I headed to the couch and took out my phone to just scroll through social media.

Although the music video for 'Hate' didn't get nearly as many views in twenty-four hours as Lion, people still liked it a lot and we got twenty million views. What I had noticed but the girls hadn't was that people were boycotting the music video because of the line distribution.

Since the song was rap-heavy, we had agreed upon dividing it how we truly felt the song sounded best and not trying to make our number of lines match to a certain extent. Mika and Leah supported that decision especially after the line distribution of 'Girls Gotta Live', the Japanese track, so we just went along with it and recorded it that way, but the fans didn't seem to be happy with it.

They were all saying that Mika and Leah, who were supposed to be the unofficial centre of the group and visual, didn't have as much screen time and lines. The worse case, though, was with Lin's fans as they were all saying that I had joined the group after Lin but I was taking over parts of songs that she would have done if I hadn't joined. 

I thought that the backlash I was getting would die down with time, but seeing what was happening had me worried especially about 'Hot Pink' and 'Ah Yeah' since I did the high notes for both instead of Mika. Also, for both songs, I was one of the members with the most lines, which I didn't like. I wanted to talk to them about it.

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