The Only Ones Around (Michelangelo)

Start from the beginning

Lifting your head off the pillow you look around your room to find Mikey; he's not there. Maybe he went home.

The curtains were still closed, pouring in a tiny ray of sunlight. You check your phone and it says 7:34 am.  This wasn't the normal wake up time but since you were already up might as well get everything else over with too. 

After some time in the bathroom and getting dressed you make way to the living room, and almost immediately a smell hits your nose.  Once at the end of the hall you turn the corner to see Mikey over by the toaster and on his phone. You knock on the wall beside you to get his attention, and he immediately smiles. His eyes seemed to be bright this morning, you've noticed.

"Heeey," Mikey coos, setting his phone aside.  Reaching out to you he makes grabby hands, and you chuckle as you begin walking his way to hold him too. A kiss is placed on your forehead.

Then the toaster pops, jumping Mikey and making him curse under his breath.

"Hope you're hungry," he says, taking the pieces of bread, "cause this is the only thing I know how to make."

A laugh escapes you as you go to grab the butter from the fridge, returning it to him.  You snake your arms around him on the side while he prepares breakfast for the two of you.

"You seem like you're in a good mood," you smile.  Mikey gives you one in return and gives you your plate of food.  Both of you retreat to the couch in the living room. It doesn't take Mikey long to snuggle up against you and turns on the TV.

Taking your first bite you look up at Mikey.

"Have you thought about going home?" you ask. 

"You trying to get rid of me? Your soulmate? Love of your life?"

A grin appears on your face and you shake your head. Mikey seemed to be fine this morning.

"Of course not," you say, taking another bite, "but don't forget what we talked about last night. You need to talk through this with them."

A soft hum goes through your ears and you can feel his arm rest around your shoulders.

"I didn't forget," he huffs. "Gonna be awkward when I get home."

"It's worth it Mikey. They love you."

He had no doubt you were right; he knew he had to talk to them.  Mikey felt better this morning than he had all week, simply because he stayed the night with you. Perhaps today would be the day he finally confronted them, to talk about what happened.  He wasn't the best when it came to this stuff, and many would think the opposite because of how upbeat Mikey is. 

Avoiding them wasn't going to last long either, nor was it the best choice to handle it. 

An hour passes and the two of you end up watching murder mysteries, getting in the last minutes of cuddling and kisses as best as the two of you can before Mikey has to leave. He's resting his head against yours when he speaks up.  His voice is soft; he must still be tired.

"I should probably do what you told me, huh?" Mikey grins, looking down at you. You give him a smile of your own.

"That would be wise." You chuckle softly and hug him tightly. "Tell me how it goes, okay?"

You detach yourself from Mikey and stand up with him.  All of his gear is on from earlier that morning so he's set to go, as much as you didn't want him too. And neither did he for that matter.

Mikey leans down to kiss you and pull you in for another hug before looking down at you and smiling.

"I'll text ya later okay?" he says. "Promise to tell you how it goes."

"Everything will be fine Mikey. Trust me. Be safe going home."

With one last sincere and warm smile, Mikey gives you an even bigger kiss.  He couldn't think of a proper way of saying thank you for all that you've done, and wishes that there was something he could do to repay you.  Letting him stay at your place did wonders for him, even though it took a few days to get his spirit back; even now it wasn't fully there yet, but it was slowly starting to come back. 

Standing by the window he has opened, he turns back to look at you one last time to give you his charming smile and a playful wink, causing you to giggle.  You watch as he effortlessly jumps out the window and begins to climb.  


It's your phone. You look down at it to see it's Mikey.

Miss you already :(

A laugh escapes you and you reply quickly with a warm feeling in your chest.

<3 Miss you too babe. I love you.

The phone goes back into your pocket as you sigh heavily, looking around at your now lonely apartment.  A few days go by with Mikey around and now that he's gone, the place just feels empty.  It's amazing what good company does to you.

You pray that everything goes well back at the lair.  You never wanted to see Mikey like that again; brokenhearted and drained.

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