Nowhere to be Found (Michelangelo)

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Two days and there was still no call.  It was odd for you to not call or come over, it was an everyday routine for you to do so.  You and your turtle friend would spend forever talking to each other over the computer.  Or if you came over it was usually for the whole day at their place, or if you couldn't go Mikey would come to you.  He couldn't sit still, this was odd for you.

"Why so fidgety?"  He heard Donnie say to him.

". . . Just thinking."

Then Raph scoffed.

"That's a first."

Mikey only ignored his older brother as he shook his head.  He then sat down on the couch and grabbed the Xbox controller, he then began to play one of your games that you let him borrow.  Maybe it would get his mind off you.

But, from opposite of what he hoped, it only made him think of you more.  His feelings for you were growing more and more, he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible so that he could eventually tell you. . .

As he continued to play, the computer's systems went off.  Mikey turned his head to look at the screen, and when he did he instantly smiled and ran over to it.  It was your number.

"(Y/n)!"  He said excitedly.  But weirdly you hushed him.

When you spoke your voice was low and your face was lit up from your phone screen.  From the way you were acting, Mikey knew something wasn't right.

"Dude, what's wrong?  Your acting weird."

"I know.  Look, no questions.  I need your help Mikey, please.

"I had a run in with the Foot Clan.  They knew that I had contact with you guys so they took me."

That's when Leo came up beside his brother.

"Where are you?"  He asked.

"I'm at the old factory down by the pier. . ."  You say as check behind you quickly to make sure no one saw you.  "And you're not very good with the 'no questions' part.

"I managed to sneak away for a couple of minutes to call you guys.  When you get here be careful, they set up traps everywhere.  Get me out of here!" 

Then the screen was now black, and your sudden call for their help made them somewhat speechless.  Your plead was short yet moving to them, Mikey could tell you were scared, your tone of voice gave it away.  Sarcasm was your way to relieve yourself out of certain situations, he knew this about you.  Mikey figured you must have been taken right after you had left the lair the last time you were there.  He got glimpses of the cuts and bruises on your arms and face as you talked to them on the phone, the Clan hadn't noticed you still had it in your pocket thankfully.

Mikey was now enraged.  He grabbed his nunchucks as he headed for the exit.

"Where are you going?"  Leo asked his brother.  "We can't just barge in there."

Mikey turned to Leo, determination and flames in his eyes.

"I know. . . But no one, hurts my girl."

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