You Cross His Mind (Donatello)

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Donnie sat in his chair leaning over his work table.  He was very concentrated on his project, he had a tool in each hand and had his goggles over his eyes to help him analyze his gadget to know if anything went wrong.  Donnie had been at the thing all day and he still couldn't get it to work, he was missing inspiration, and his inspiration was you.

He sighed as he stood up straight and took off his goggles to place them on the table.  Donnie rubbed his face and eyes, then stretching before he looked around his lab.  It just felt so empty when you weren't there beside him helping with his crazy inventions.  His eyes searched the room until they landed on a big planner board ahead of him.  He looked it over, but his hazel eyes caught something that peaked his interest quickly, and as he took it in his hands and studied it, a small came on Donnie's face.

It was a picture of you and Donnie together, one that you had taken not long ago with your new camera.  It was very special to him, it was the first picture taken of the two of you, and every time he looked at it he couldn't help but smile every time.  You were his little helper and best friend, you made him feel special.  He smiled to himself as the thought of you came across his mind, beautiful (h/c) hair, sparkling (e/c) eyes and an adoring smile, you made all his worries go away.

You've got this Donnie. . .  He could almost hear you say it, as if you were there beside him.

Once again Donnie was at his work, now inspired by the thought of you.  He was determined to finish it, to finish it for you.

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