Your Nightmare (Michelangelo)

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Wendigo warning!

I've put up Mikey's part first because I had way too much fun with this XD  Donnie's will be up soon.

The video goes along with your nightmare.  Skip to the part in the video when the characters are in the cabin, towards the end.  Start around 9:00.

This game is effing terrifying to me.  I actually had a dream about this but was woken up before any creepy shit happened.  Thank you alarm clock! 


You had one thing to do, one major thing to do to not get yourself killed, to keep yourself from being seen and ripped apart.  Breathless, still, quiet, it was your key to survival. . . at least that's what Mike told you anyways.  You never knew the guy or knew how you met him, but somehow you felt the need to trust him.

You began to forget where you were, all you knew was that you were in a cabin and that you needed to get out, you had this uncomfortable feeling you were being watched, hunted.

"Don't. . . move."  You hear Mike say beside you, and you stood completely still.  You wanted to look around to look for the reason why you had to stay still and silent, but a high pitched screech made it obvious to you why you had to do this.

There, up on the low hanging chandelier, was this vile looking monster, limbs were twice as long as the body, teeth sharp as nails and growing out over the lips, eyes white as ghosts and the nails had fallen out and replaced with wolverine-like claws.  The reason you had to stand still and be quiet was because this thing depended on heat vision, and if you didn't move it wouldn't be able to see you.  The worst part, it was originated by cannibalism. . . so if it got you, it would be the end.

Your breath began to shorten, they were quick and sharp from the fear forming in your chest.  Your eyes never blinked as they too were filled with terror, you couldn't take your eyes off the beast which was dangling freely off the chandelier.  It was looking over the cabin room below, hoping to spot a victim to claim.  Unfortunately, that beast wasn't the only of it's kind to be in the house, there were two others as well, making this situation even more death threatening.  

You watched as each monster squared the others up, and soon one lunged for the other, and in no time without effort the bigger monster tore the head off it's opponent.  You wanted to leave now, to leave this place and go far away and find the comfort of anyone; a name came to you then. . . Michelangelo.  You wanted to see him, yet you couldn't recall what he looked like or how you even knew him, just like Mike.

With one of the creatures gone. . . no, there was a proper name for these things. . . Wendigos, that's what they were called.  Why, you had no idea, you just had a hunch that that's what they were called.  Other than  that, they were terrifying, and you needed to get out.

Your body began to shake even more as the Wendigo slowly took steps towards you, listening and looking for any heat from movement.  You tried to breathe quietly, you kept your body still, enough for it to move away.  Then the other Wendigo came in and the two clashed with each other.

You then watched as Mike bolted for the front door, leaving your behind in a state of total fear.  You were in the cabin with two Wendigos now in the room with you.  You gritted your teeth, trying to think of a way to leave without being caught by one of the monsters.

That's when the scenario changed.  You now found yourself running through a long hallway which seemed to be in the cabin, with the Wendigos close behind you, screeching and hollering letting you know they were close behind.  You began to cry from the fear, and soon you felt one of their sharp claws tick the back of your shoe, and you let out a blood curdling scream as you bust through a door.

"MIKEY!"  You holler.  You kept repeating it and repeating it, hoping that whoever you were calling for would come and save you.  The Wendigos were right behind you.  This is it, you thought.

You closed your eyes tightly and waited to be taken, this was the end.


"Cupcake!. . . (Y/n), wake up!  You're dreamin'!"

It took a few shakes but you finally woke up to see Mikey staring down at you, his hands on your shoulders as he tried to shake you and wake you up.  He had heard your screaming from your room when he entered your apartment for a quick visit, looks like he got here just in time.

"Mikey?" You breathe.  He nodded and sat beside you on your bed, moving pieces of your hair out of your face, your forehead was covered with sweat.

"That must have been some nightmare," he started, "you were screaming at the top of your lungs when I got here.  I thought you had hurt yourself or something."

You pulled your legs to your chest as you ran your fingers back through your hair, sighing heavily and then rubbing your eyes.  You were relieved it was only a dream, hopefully you would calm down faster now, your heart was racing.

You felt Mikey plant a kiss on your forehead, telling you everything was ok now.  He stayed with you until you were ready to fall back asleep.

"Remind me to never play Until Dawn before bed."


Donnie's will be up soon, I promise.  It's just that this was too fun to write XD  I love Until Dawn.

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