Your Nightmare (Leonardo)

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Everything was blurry, dark, grey, you felt almost lost.  Tall shadows loomed over you, like they were cradling you in.  You continuously looked up to the dark sky to see that the shadows were only buildings, you felt like they would come crashing down any minute.

You were walking down a gloomy street, where there were abandoned cars and dead grass growing tall between the cracks in the sidewalk.  You felt like you were in a set for Silent Hill, and you were hoping to God that that it wasn't true.  What was happening?  And where the hell were you?

It was oddly cold too, yet on your forehead you were sweating terribly.  The more you walked the more uneasy you became, soon your feet were carrying you faster down the abandoned road.  Everything in front of you seemed to fade away the more you ran, drifting away to nothing.  Your chest became heavy, you couldn't breathe and your body was shaking.  But why?

Then a feeling dawned on you. . . you were being watched.

Still running, you turned to look over your shoulder to see a shadow coming rapidly after you; you could see it's eyes beaming through the mist, red and narrow.  A demon of sorts, coming for you to take you away to who knows where.  You scream in fear and begin to go into a full sprint now, but you only seem to feel like your running into a void, the darkness getting deeper and deeper while you slow.  The monster behind you was getting mighty closer, and you felt your eyes begin to swell with terrified tears.

"(Y/n)!"  You heard in growl in a low and menacing voice.  You quickened your pace until you felt it's claws wrap around your shoulders, and you screamed out in fear, for someone to help you.

You didn't know why, but you called out an unknown name.  Yet, you felt like you knew who it was; you had to have known who it was because you called out their name.


"(Y/n)!"  The monster called again, and you began fighting it, the tears streaming down your face.



"(Y/n)!  Baby, wake up!  You're having a nightmare!"  Leo called.  He shook you and shook you but you weren't coming out of your sleep.  He heard you screaming from the couch and came running to see you violently shaking and crying out for him, the tears streaming down your face from fright.  It scared him too.

"Leo!"  You hollered again.  Leo brushed your hair out of your eyes and continued to call to you, and thankfully after a few more shakes you woke up rather abruptly.

You sat up quickly, short of breath and your face wet from tears.  Warm hands cupped your cheek and wiped away the water, you looked to see that it was Leo looking down at you, his eyes filled with concern.

"It was just a nightmare," he said calmly, "it's over."

You sighed heavily and ran your fingers through your hair, your body finally starting to feel normal again.  Leo watched as you pulled yourself together, and then your eyes looked up at him.  He smiled warmly and pulled you in for a sweet kiss, then wrapped his arms around you to give you more comfort.  You were glad he was there watching over you.

"I love you Leo."  You say as you close your eyes once more.  You felt him hold onto you tighter as he laid back on the couch, your arms still wrapped around him.

"Go back to sleep," he said, "I'll be right here."

Knowing he was right, you slept soundly now with your head on Leo's chest, now able to sleep with no more nightmares.

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