You Cross His Mind (Raphael)

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I apologize if any of you don't like Hard Rock or Alternative music, Raphael just seems like that type of music junkie to me.


Raphael was planted on the couch as he messed with his sais, twirling and flipping them around effortlessly with his hands.  It was a pretty boring day at the lair, no training and no missions to go on, and everyone seemed to be doing their own thing.  Raph just sat there in silence.  He would have gone to see a certain someone but they mentioned they would have been out of town that day.  There really wasn't much to do.

Then Raph began to think, you had shown him a good song not long ago.  It was an alternative/hard rock song and you had introduced him to it with your electric guitar.  Indestructible by Disturbed was the song you chose to show him.  The guitar tune was catchy and would make you tap to the beat every time it played.  Eventually Raph got up and went over to Donnie's computer to pull up the music.

Once the song began to play, Raph sat in the computer chair and waited for the tune to start.  Once it did, he instantly smiled to himself, tapping his foot to the beat.  His eyes closed as he concentrated on the lyrics.

But then suddenly something else came to his mind.  It was you.

You had your electric guitar strapped around you as it hung in front of your body.  You had your hand low on the neck slider and your other hand picking furiously at the strings.  You whipped your head back and forth swinging your (h/c) hair everywhere, and you had a big smile on your face as you played.  You were clearly happy with yourself, you always seemed to be when you played your guitar.  Raph smiled as his vision of you lingered, he loved seeing you like this.

Soon, Raph's vision faded.  His eyes opened to see he was still in Donnie's chair.  He rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed.  His smile never left his face as the song continued to play.

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