Chapter 17: New Bonds And New Dangers

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Outside of the large household, by a familiar great tree, there tightly curled into a small ball was the very brunette boy

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Outside of the large household, by a familiar great tree, there tightly curled into a small ball was the very brunette boy. It was if he badly wanted to be as small as possible from the entire world as he wrapped his arms around his bending legs and half of his face was hidden from within his crossed arms. Both his dark eyes were narrowed into a longing gaze as he watched the leaves ever so slowly fall from the branches above him.

In a swift move, he caught one of them in between his index and middle fingers. Drawing it close to his face, he continued to stare at the tiny leaf with that depressing gaze of his, either from out of boredom or it's just that his mind is total mush right now. Letting out a deep sigh, he lightly tossed it away, leaving it to gracefully fall to the the dirt.

Returning back to being as small as he can get like the tiny leaf he just held, he then placed a hand over his head to rake and tightly grip a few bits of his bangs and mumbled to himself "Why do I always feel like this all of a sudden?! And why do I keep seeing these images?! Let alone things I have never seen before!" Releasing a frustrated growl, he then buried his entire face from within his arms and seethed "Is there anyone in this world who can help me understand all this?!"

Instead of a reply he was expecting from the great divine probably, a soft barking noise coming from in front of him was heard instead. Lifting his head a bit to see, his once sad eyes lit a bit the moment they landed on an adorable furball happily wagging it's furry tail as it's beady eyes innocently starred right at his very own. Honestly, he wasn't really at the mood right now to be disturbed like this, since his mind looked to be in shambles at this very moment.

But in spite of what he was currently feeling, he gently smiled as he stretched one arm out to pet the dog's head.

The depressing look on his face then softened into a caring one as he exclaimed in a soft voice "You know what, you're right, Shiro! I shouldn't be acting this way!" Standing up from his crouching position, he continued "Besides, Ashura found out about Krishna now, so I best better give him an explanation before he throws a tantrum again."

Raising both his arms to place his hands at the back of his head, the boy then began walking back into the building, back to his little brother and girl. The little pup was about to follow the brunette, that's until it noticed something from behind. Turning to see, it noticed a dark shadow hiding behind the tree where the boy was against earlier, but it then disappeared as soon as whatever it was saw the dog noticing it.

Suddenly, an array of angry barking noises filled the once quiet and peaceful air. This then caught the boy's attention and made him turn to look back at the small dog, finding the little mutt seemingly barking at nothing but a tree. Raising his eyebrow a bit in confusion, Indra then began whistling and making clicking noises with his teeth, a nonverbal way for him to call out to the pup.

Hearing this, little Shiro then immediately stopped barking and turned towards the human, it's normal and innocent look was instantly back in his features.

A Tale Of True Demons - Book 1: Innocence Begone (Indra Otsutsuki)Where stories live. Discover now