It was only meant to be a minute...

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Steve had been lying that day when he asked for just a friend and now he wish he hadn't. 

Nat was gone.

Everyone he loved, every time they left she was always there, he always had her, from the beginning.

Clint had come back and said she was gone, forever. There was no turning back the time to get her back, she was gone in trade for the stone. 

Every kiss, every touch, every word. Steve felt them all once again from just those few simple words when Clint spoke.

By the time the battle had finished, Tony had gone, the world had lost Iron Man. 

Everyone took it hard, they had felt the presence of Tony leave. Not having him in the room, it didn't feel right but that feeling doubled with Steve, Nat was gone too. 

He loved her and now she was gone so when it came time to take the stones back, Steve volunteered, he had an idea, whether it would work- he had no clue but it was worth a chance. 

Steve climbed up the black footed mountain of Vormir, as he approached he saw a floating black hood, and once it turned round - lets just say they were both shocked 

"What are you doing here?" Red Skull asked him "The stone is already gone, your wasting you time 'Captain America'"

"I know the stone is gone"

"So why are you here?"

"To return it, in trade for something or rather someone"

"You do know that the consequence can't be retracted"

"I know, but it's worth a shot, it's never been done, so it can't be proved it doesn't work"

The pair stood there for a few moments until Red Skull spoke again

"OKay, but if it doesn't- that isn't on me"

Steve nodded and walked past him, making his way down, it was more steep than any mountain, one misplaced step and he'd fall to his death and end just like Nat and wouldn't ever make his way back.

It must have been 4 hours by the time Steve had gotten to the very bottom and walked over to Nat's body, Nat's dead body.

He took in a shaky breath before placing the briefcase down and opening it up, little did he know, the Red Skull was watching him from the very top of the mountain, ever since he was banished to Vormir, he was given a screen that was able to see all the way down the mountain, he watched as Steve picked up the stone, it had a small glow to it.

Steve looked round and saw a small hole in the mountain, that must have been where the stone had been, he looked down at the stone, then to the mountain and then to Nat- he looked back at the mountain 

"God, i hope this works" he said to himself, he walked closer to the holder and placed the stone in, at first...nothing.

Then a surge came, the stone glowed brighter, sending golden ropes through the mountain, going up, Steve was in pure shock, he looked down, the golden ropes running through the ice beneath his feet and making their way to...Nat.

They surrounded her making it as if she was the sun's core and the ropes were her ray of golden dust.

Steve watched, his eyes staring to squint from the brightness, and that was when it all built up before wiping through all of the ice and the air and the mountain. 

Nat sat up quickly, taking in a breath as if she had been holding her breath for so long, she regained her breath before looking around her


"Much longer than a minuet, don't you think?"

She quickly stood up and jumped in his arms pulling him into a hug 

"W-what, h-how, i- i died, i couldn't be brought back, oh god please don't tell me your dead"

"No" he chuckled "I brought the stone back, in hope that we'd be able to get you back"

She hugged him again 

"Nat i need to-" She cut him off with a kiss, he kissed back, once they broke away, Nat spoke

"Sorry, what was you going to say"

"Actually, it was something along those lines" he smiled "I''d be lying if i said that i was telling you the truth that day in the car, about being friends, I love you Natasha, i always have, and i know that you may not think the same but"

She cut him off with another kiss before speaking 

"I love you too Steve"

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