Who's she?

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Peter: 24 MJ:23 they met at work and have known each other just over a 2 years; also Peggy's alive and is a year younger than Steve, she froze too when out on a mission, i know it doesn't make sense but just please go along with it


Peter had been working at SI for a couple of years now, and even after all of the pestering he got off Steve, Tony, Nat, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Bruce, Morgan, May, Ned, Betty, Peggy basically everyone but Pepper (thank god!) he still hadn't found a girlfriend, yes he had been on dates, but he knew more than to chat up a girl, sleep with her the same night and then leave her the very next day

"So, have you-" Sam couldn't even finish his question before Peter spoke

"No, i haven't so just please stop asking"

"You didn't even know what i was going to say"

"Yes i did, and I've answered the question, okay so please just drop it"

"Ooo, touchy, who's crawled under your skin spider-man" Sam asked walking over to him

"No-one okay, it's just been a long day" he sighed sitting down, his back leaning against the counter

Before Sam could speak, a girl walked in, he didn't really know her, none of them did, not personally anyway, other than Nat, Bucky, Pepper, Tony and Peter, the others had an idea of her name and what she was like, but didn't see much of her since she worked for Pepper

"Ned?" she asked seeing Peter was stressed

"He called asking if i'm bringing a date to their wedding, they got engaged two weeks ago" he told her

Sam watched as the pair talked to one another, it was so calm, she knew everything about him, not in a creepy way, more like as if they were man and wife and had been married for 60 years

"I'm sure you'll find one soon" she told him with a small smile seeing the annoyance

"Don't you start, i already get enough from everyone else"

"Okay fine, anyway here, this just came through for you, Pepper told me to give it to you straight away"

"Thanks MJ"

"Anyway, have fun, and have fun finding a date" she says before slipping back out of the door

"I hate you!" Peter shouted, only joking though

"I refuse to believe that!" MJ shouted back, making Peter chuckle as he opened up the letter,

As he read it, Sam looked at him, jaw dropped, how could he not see how much he liked MJ and how much she liked him, how was the pair so oblivious to one another

As Peter left, walking out of the door, Bucky came up behind Sam scaring him

"Who was she?"

"Oh, MJ, she works for Pepper"

"Can you see it too?"

"Oh we all can, it just seems those two can't"

"Do we have to meddle" Sam asked already knowing the answer

"Oh yes, we're gonna have to meddle" Bucky said placing his arm over Sam's shoulder

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