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The team knew nothing of Clint's secret family other than he may possibly have one, even though he told them all that he didn't and he was quite happy being his single self.

Of course Natasha knew the truth. That he wasn't infact single but rather married with three kids, a fourth on the way. 

Little to their knowledge, Clint had been keeping this secret for well over 20 years since his eldest son was born when they were 5 years into their relationship and he was now 19. 

"Barton, where the hell are you taking us?" Sam asked him.

Clint continued to drive. "Somewhere safe."

By the time they arrived, it had just broke into morning. Clint released the dock and they all walked down towards the house. 

Meanwhile, in the background a chopping could be heard, and it was coming from the back of the house. 

They all walked in, Clint shouting through the house, checking to see if anyone was home.

"Daddy!" Shouted a small girl as she came running inside.

"Hey munchkin" Clint smiled.

"Where's your mom? And brothers?" Clint asked her as he picked her up.

"Mommy had to go and see Great Aunt Rosie with the boys." She told her father, "Peter offered to stay with me."

"Yeah, I'm sure he did." Clint mumbled.

Ever since Peter was born, he never ever like going to visit Great Aunt Rosie and would practically do anything to get out of going. This usually meant that Lila would also say she wouldn't want to go and Peter would offer to babysit his little sister for the week.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" The girl asked with a smile.

Natasha smiled before moving in, "Well why don't you hug her and find out."

Lila hopped down from her dad's arms before running over to Natasha. Natasha picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"So...why did you brother not want to go this time?" Natasha asked her niece.

"He said he was busy with school work, and I already told mommy I didn't want to go. Peter called it a win-win."

"Where is your brother?" Clint asked Lila.

"Outside. He'd been chopping wood for the past hour and half while I've been reading."

Clint headed for the backdoor. Looking outside, he saw his son chopping large piece of wood into smaller sections so it would be easier to burn on the fire. 

"A pipe!" Clint shouted over to him, gaining his attention.

"I imagined you smoking a pipe while you sat out here on a rocking chair." Clint smiled as Peter walked over, throwing the axe to the side before he did.

Peter smiled, "Doctor told me to cut back."

"Hey son" Clint smiled before they exchanged a hug.

"Hey dad,"

"You finished all of your school work?"

Peter chuckled, "Finished it in school."


The pair walked inside, Peter noticing the others all stood around, in small confusion.

"Hey..." Peter trailed off before turning slightly to face his dad.

"What- What's happened?" Peter asked Clint.

"Trouble with the compound, this is the only place that wasn't anywhere on Shield's files. They're gonna be staying here for a while."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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