Gaining Back Trust III

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I am going off Homecoming being set in 2020 because Homecoming was meant to be 8 years after the battle of NY, so if it was set in 2012, it means Homecoming is in 2020. Also Peter was 17 when he went missing meaning in his mind it is 2022


After all that had happened to Peter, he just hoped that this would work. 

They missed the man that he use to be, fun loving, intelligent, funny, sarcastic, sassy and some times clumsy. 

If this was going to work, then it might finally bring him back. If it didn't, then they'd just have to try anything and everything to bring back his memories aswell as him, himself.

The pair turned the corner to the graveyard, walking straight for the two graves Peter knew all to well. 

Bucky decided to give Peter some space so he could be on his own for a while, while he stood at the graves. He just hoped that it would work. That it would jog something in his memories. 

As Bucky watched on for afar, he watched as Peter slowly bent down and wiped away the dry leaves from the grave top, his fingers traced the gold lettering on the ledger. 

With great power comes great responsibility.

As Peter placed his hand on top of the lettering, his eyes shut sharply as if in pain, his other hand hit his head as he held it. Bucky slowly removed himself from the brick wall in shock before rushing over to Peter's side.

"Peter. Pete, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

But anything that Bucky said got no response, as if Peter could hear him in the background of his mind, but something was blocking his responses. 

But in all fairness, something was blocking his responses. 


People's voices as well as his own raced through his head, things he had said when he first met the people he now called family. Things he had said when he was younger, things people had said to him. A woman shouting his name, he recognised the voice. His mother. 

Images flashed across his mind, one's from when he would be at the park with Ben and May, one's where he was cooking with Clint, making sure Clint wouldn't set fire to the kitchen. One's of him falling mid air from Vulture. Some of him meeting the Avengers for the first time at the compound. 

He felt as if he had seen his entire life flash before his eyes in 5 minutes, which all in all had been 2 very, very long minutes for Bucky. 

As Peter removed his hand from Ben's grave, his crouching body just hit the floor lightly as he lost his balance. All noises, all sounds and motions stopped. 

He didn't even open his eyes, just placed his hand on him head and groaned, "Ow."

"Pete? Please respond, are you okay? Open your eyes, Peter-"

Peter placed his hand up, "Can you, please stop shouting" Peter mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.

Bucky relaxed with a sigh of relief, "Oh thank god"

As Peter slowly came round, his entire body shot into action, he quickly stood up, scaring Bucky causing him to jump.

Peter quickly looked around, turning in a full 360 as he looked around before looking towards Bucky, giving a small yell, making Bucky jump once again.

"Pete, are you okay?"

Peter swallowed his words before pointing towards Bucky, "How the hell did I get here?"

"What do you mean? Peter?"

"Buck, just answer the question"

"You seriously don't remember?" Bucky asked

"The last thing I remember is Natasha saying my name before blacking out again, Bucky how did I get here?" Peter asked once again in haist

"We rescued you" Bucky said slowly as he scanned his face, "You seriously don't remember?"

Peter sighed, "Isn't that what I just said!"

Bucky shook his head quickly before opening his eyes again, "Wait, talk me though, what was the last thing you remember seeing?"

Peter calmed down slightly before speaking, "I was on a concrete floor, that part's vague, alot of it is, but I must have blacked out for a long, long time and then I must of woke up because Natasha was infront of me and then I blacked out again"

"Peter." Bucky said slowly once again, "What year do you think it is?"

"Errrrrr, 2022" Peter told him

"Do you know how long you was out for?" Bucky asked him

"Why are you asking me this?" Peter asked with a laugh which was filled with nerves

"Peter, you've been gone almost 7 years, you was kidnapped and brainwashed, when you saw Natasha, that was just over a month ago now, she managed to knock you out so we could bring you back. Bruce found out you had amnesia"

Peter stayed silent for a short moment before speaking, "You know, now that you say it, it does make sense"

Bucky sighed before hugging Peter, "Thank god your memory is back"

"As amazing as it is, you have got to fill me in on what has happened" Peter told Bucky

They departed the hug, before Bucky spoke, "Don't worry, I will. We all will"

Soon enough, they started walking back to the compound ready to give the team the news of what had happened. 

As they made their way out of the graveyard, Bucky spoke.

"Tell anyone I hugged you, I'll kill you."

Of course, Peter knew Bucky didn't mean it, but he knew that the team would never drop it if they found out Bucky hugged Peter since he was usually found tormenting him like and older brother. 

Peter gave a small laugh, "Don't worry, I won't be telling anyone."

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