We're What?!

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They was about to kiss, until, a cry came from the nursery, they both turned their head towards the door

"I'll go and get her" Peter said walking in

"No it's okay, i'll get her, besides you took care of her before"

As MJ disappeared into the next room, Peter ran his hand through his hair, did he want to kiss her?

Yes, no, yes, well no, maybe?

"Peter? Peter" It was MJ she sounded worried

Peter quickly rushed in to see MJ holding Morgan in her arms, she looked worried

"Feel her forehead, i think she's-"

"Got a high temperature, yeah,"

"Well, what do we do?" MJ looked at Peter, you could see the panic in her eyes

"I-I think i saw some medicine in the cupboard, hold on"

Peter quickly rushed into the kitchen and searched the cupboards, he finally found some and ran back into the nursery

After giving her some medicine, Peter took hold of MJ as she went to grab a wet tea towel.

"Should we call a doctor?" Peter shouted from the nursery so MJ could here him

"Maybe?" she said coming back in to the room, trying to cool her down

As Peter called a doctor, they told them what was wrong, 40 minuets must of passed

"He said we've done all we can" Peter said as he placed the phone down, as he walked back into the nursery

"Wait, Peter feel her forehead"

"It's gone" he said shocked

"We've done it" she said smiling

Peter was stood behind MJ, a hand on her shoulder, he looked down smiling down at the child asleep in her arms, she placed Morgan down gently, she stayed stood at the crib with Peter stood behind her, after a couple of seconds the pair walked back into the living room, tidying up the mess that was there, just toys and things.

As they finished the pair sat back down on the sofa watching a random movie on Netflix, they must have fallen asleep on the couch together because when MJ woke up, her head was on Peter's chest and his arm around her shoulders.

She slowly got up and stood in the kitchen, making breakfast she got lost in her thoughts from last night, could she have feelings for Peter, did she want to kiss him, Maybe? She looked at the clock on the wall, 10am. Morgan really hadn't woke up?

As she was about to walk to the door to check on her Peter walked in with Morgan in his arms

"Mornin'" he said rubbing his eyes  

"Mornin'" She said smiling

It had become like a routine. She picked Morgan up and kissed her cheek then placing her in her highchair, Peter made the rest of Morgan's breakfast allowing it to cool down so it wouldn't burn her, he fed her the porridge as MJ made their breakfast, by half 10 they were all sat down eating. Peter washed up and placed the dishes away, MJ went to got dressed before she got Morgan dressed, then Peter would get changed, they'd both play with Morgan before sitting on opposite sides of the carpet, making her walk across the play mat. She had already walked with Pepper and Tony and was managing to get her balance, but you always need practice.

Peter made dinner that night, just something light since they both really didn't want to have a big meal, so he made some pasta with bolognaise.

It was around 7pm when they had finished, Peter and MJ started talking about school and how it used to be, the decathlon trip to Washington, lessons dealing with Flash.

As they finished, MJ placed their plates in the sink, allowing Peter to take Morgan out of her highchair before taking her into the bathroom and running a shallow bath for her due to her having bolognaise all over her and her clothes. MJ checked the temperature and it was completely fine, Peter placed her in, allowing her to play with some of her bath toys.

Peter left Morgan with MJ as he put the laundry in the washing machine, as he started the load, he walked back into the bathroom to hear and see Morgan giggling and splashing water.

MJ washed Morgan and once finished allowed her to play for a little bit longer before taking her out and wrapping her in a warm child's towel, Peter picked her up and the pair walked into the nursery. As they got her dressed into her PJ's, she was slowly falling asleep, Peter placed her down in her crib and within seconds, she fell into a deep sleep. Peter quietly crept out of the room closing the door leaving it cracked open, only slightly, he walked into the kitchen to see MJ stood lost in her own thoughts washing the plates.




Again, nothing

"MJ" she jumped as Peter said her name a bit louder

"Oh, sorry, what was you saying?" she asked looking at him, placing the plate to dry on the rack

"Nothing, are you okay?" he asked walking towards her

"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't i be"

"Are you sure? because your saying you are but how your saying show's your hiding something"

"Peter, i'm fine, just drop it will you" she replied slightly annoyed

"okay" he said quietly

As he walked to grab another shirt, as he was going to have a shower, he could tell something was up with MJ, he didn't know what was up, but he wanted to find out.

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