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The bell finally rung allowing Peter to leave the hell that he had been stuck in all day. As he hopped into the car with Happy, he placed his earphones in and started listening to music, after about 40 minuets Peter hopped out thanking Happy.

As he walked into the Tower, something didn't feel right, but he shook the feeling off as FRIDAY greeted him at the door.

"Good Morning Peter, how was your day?"

"It was okay FRIDAY, aswell as it could go i guess, anything new round here that i should know about?"

"Mr Stark wishes to see you"

"OKay, thanks Friday"

"Good bye Peter"

As Peter scanned through he rushed to the lift and FRIDAY took him up, as the lift dinged, the doors opened and he walked into the lounge to see Tony sat with a young boy, about Peter's age maybe a bit older

"Hey Mr Stark"

"Hey Pete, i would like you to meet Nick"

"Nice to meet you" Peter said as he shook his hand, something seemed off with Nick but he pushed that feeling aside, if Tony trust him then so would Peter

"I'll be up in my room if you need me" Peter said before walking out but he was stopped at the door

"Oh, sorry Pete, i should of told you, I've had to give your room to Nick, he's going to be staying for a couple of days, if that's okay"

Peter was caught a little of guard but agreed

"Er, Yeah sure, i'll stay with Aunt May tonight"

"I've left you a box downstairs with some things you might need"

"Okay, thanks Mr Stark, well, nice to meet you, erm, bye then"

Peter was left confused but went along with it, FRIDAY took him down, as he was going down he got a text from Mr Stark

"You don't have to come tomorrow-TS" 

He couldn't lie, it did hurt a little but he'd be back in a few days, and until then he could still patrol out in Queens

He picked up the box and walked out, he caught the train back to queens and went up to the apartment and was greeted by May

"Don't you have your "internship"?" May asked him

"Oh, yeah, Mr Stark said there wasn't much to do today so he said i could go home"

Over the next few weeks, Peter was bringing more and more boxes home with him, he managed to bring them back when May wasn't home, so she wouldn't suspect anything, and as the weeks went on Tony aswell as some more of the avengers started to deflect from Peter, started ignoring him, telling him to do things in a way that sounded like if he didn't they'd kill him.

As he was finished with cleaning, drying and placing the dishes away, Steve turned to him

"Don't bother coming again, your not needed"

He was caught off guard again "Cap-"

"I agree with him, you shouldn't even be here, i don't know why i even hired you, Nick seems to do more that you and can solve everything you can't"


Peter was hurt, it was like being disowned by your family, it was like Cinderella but turned upside down and placed backwards

Peter walked out, as he turned round he saw Tony and Steve walking over to Nick, sitting wither side of him, but before the lift doors shut, Steve looked towards the door, his eyes were a different shade of colour, a darker blue, something wasn't right but Peter was scared to push it.

He walked through the lobby and unclipped his badge, he placed it on the side sliding it under the divider where Happy was sat

"Peter what's this?"

"Oh, Well" He couldn't tell him the truth, if he did Happy would kill Mr Stark, aswell as quit, and Peter didn't want that

"Oh well, Mr Stark said that i didn't need my badge anymore since i can climb the wall on the other side and come through the window"

Peter mentally face palmed him self

"Really?" Happy questioned


Happy didn't believe him but before he could say anything else his phone rang

"Oh, you don't have to pick me up from school, anyway bye Happy"


"Goodbye Peter" FRIDAY said almost sounding like she wished she wouldn't have to

As Peter walked down the street, he arrived back at the apartment and started to feel a few tears fall down his face, he quickly wiped them away before walking into the apartment.

He saw a note on the fridge from May, she had a shift until 8 that night and she'd be back by about half past

Peter walked into his room and started sorting through his things, he let a few tears slip down his face but he wiped them away when he heard the door open with May's voice calling out

"Hey Pete, i brought Chinese"

May placed it on the table and walked into Peter's room, she saw multiple boxes on the floor


"Oh hey May"

"Why do you have so many boxes, are you leaving?"

"No, more like moving back in?"

"Oh Peter" she hugged him

"What happened?" She asked him, even though he could hide some of his feelings well, she could tell deep down it hurt him so much, they were like his additional family

"Nothing, Tony's just-He's having to use my room for some things"

"Peter?" she asked him raising an eyebrow

"It's okay really, i'm fine, i'm not three years old i can handle it"

Over the next two weeks May noticed a change in Peter, as much as he acted Happy, he was hurting, he was still out being Spider-Man but still, he wasn't the Peter she knew, as she was deep in thought, she got a call of Happy

"Hey Happy, what's up?"

"I'm just checking in on Peter, he hasn't been here in a couple of months"

"What?" May asked shocked

"He handed in his badge saying he no longer needed it, but he hasn't been here at all in the tower for the past 2 months"

She thanked Happy for telling her and she called Peter in from his room


"Care to explain why you haven't been at the tower in 2 months?"

"I-It's just- Tony, and"

"Tell me the truth."

"Okay, Tony got a new intern and then gave him my room and i kept getting treated like dirt and then he fired me"

"he did what!?" said a voice from the window

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