We're what?!

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"WE'RE WHAT!" The pair shouted

"We're sick and tired off your arguing, so for the next week, you two are going to look after Morgan, we've already got it set up, so get to it"

They had just been told that they both had to live together as well as look after a 10 month old baby, him 24 and her 23 and they are both being treated like children, kind off, to be fair, they had been arguing like it.

"Sir, you- i don't think you've thought this through, we hate each other, why would us living for a week make us like each other, surely it would just make it worse" MJ explained

"I've thought it through and have checked with Strange, but if i tell you how it's going to end it won't happen"

"Mr Stark-" Peter started, but was cut of by him

"No, oh and look, we're here, don't worry, you've got separate bedrooms"

The pair walked in to see Morgan in her crib asleep

"Don't worry, there are no camera's in here, and the fridge is stocked, so, happy house warming"

"Oh and this door is going to be locked, have fun"

"Wait what-" they was cut off by the door shutting in their faces, they had a balcony but it seems that Strange had placed one of his spells around the building, so Peter couldn't use his Spidey powers to escape, however he could get up to the roof, but that roof door was locked so there was no escape, had their arguing really been that bad?

Peter walked back in to see MJ walking out of her room,

"We both know this isn't going to work, but we might as well try and be nice with one another so neither of us end up in court for murder" MJ said

"What are you suggesting?" he asked with a raised eyebrow

"A truce, we at least try and be nice with one another for the next week, and once we leave whatever this is, if there hasn't been some knock off affect, we go back to how we used to be, just maybe less arguing so we don't end up back here...again"

"Fine, shake on it?"

They both shook hands and started, whatever this week was 

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