Fun House Terror

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It was just a simple day, and it was just meant to be a simple birthday party however that all changed when HYDRA decided to join the party.

Morgan was at her birthday party and had only invited a couple of people, mainly family since she hadn't really made any friends at school due to bullying. They had arrived at the jungle gym and Morgan was running around playing, Peter having to chase after her, catching her and her laughing as he tickled her.

Other kids were running around however as Peter caught Morgan once again, his spider sense went off, he looked towards the door and saw a man walk in, he was dressed in black and to anyone else he would just look like a parent with his child, Peter looked through all of the corded wiring that was in place so no children would fall when running around the jungle gym and looked towards Steve who was sat talking to Tony and Sam, Bucky stood behind Sam, his hands on the chair looking up and luckily spotted Peter who nodded his head towards the door.

Bucky leant down and whispered so only those four could hear, the reason the girls weren't there was because they was back at the tower getting everything set up for a little surprise birthday party, Ned and MJ helping out.

Steve looked over his shoulder and saw the agent, it was clear they was HYDRA

"Morgan, we've got to go" Peter told her quietly

"Aww why?"

"Because we've got to get back to the tower for some games okay" Peter told her trying to keep her calm

Steve slowly stretched out for his shield, keeping hold of it, in case of use.

Peter slowly started moving Morgan down and away, however something happened, he looked round, no other kids.

All of this kids had disappeared, all parents had gone, leaving just 7 HYDRA agents

"Nice to see you again...avengers" spoke a slight German accent

Peter kept hold of Morgan's hand, keeping her behind him slightly but she could tell what was about to happen would not be fun.

"As you can see, we've come to the birthday party, we was very upset when we didn't get an invite"

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked standing up from his metal chair and holding onto his shield, wearing the same thing he wore when him and Nat went back to the old Barack's when having to deal with HYDRA and The Winter Solider.

"We've come back for" he smiled with an evil smirk

That's when it all went up in smokes, they pulled out a gun and started shooting, Peter covered Morgan and placed his web shooters on, HYDRA agents attacking or at least trying to attack them all.

Steve ran through throwing his shield as more shandy's came round the back.

Peter cut through the wiring and then shot a web

"Hold on, your gonna be okay, okay?" Morgan just nodded and held onto Peters neck, he hopped down to the ground, Steve ran over and picked her up

"There's an opening through the back, i'll help them, Steve you've got to get her back to the Tower"

Steve kept hold of Morgan and managed to get her back to the tower quickly passing her to Happy

"Keep her safe, we've got a code Black...again"

Happy just nodded before Steve ran out, luckily the Jungle Gym wasn't far, about a 10 minute run, Steve got there in 5, taking down some more agents who had made their way in.

Peter has gained some cuts and was bleeding a bit but they'd heal within two days.

By the time they had finished they had taken them all out, they managed get hold Fury and the living ones were taken into Shield Custody.

Once they got back to Med Bay, Peter was sat one one of the beds in the same room as the others

"I'm sorry about today Morgan" Peter said as she was in MJ's arms

"It okay, I'm glad your all okay"

Morgan sat down on he bed and hugged Peter

"I could wish for a better family" she said before kissing his cheek, maybe it hadn't been the worst birthday, then again being attacked by HYDRA isn't the best.

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