We'll get through this together

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People keep secrets, it's just life.

Whether it be something small or something so big that people should know, but only the right ones. Everyone keeps secrets. And one of them was the one and only Morgan Stark. 

Ever since she attended middle school she had gained something called, a bully. Or Bullies as there were multiple.

At first, yes she just let it pass since she knew it wasn't true but after years of being wore down, tripped in hallways, being pushed to the lonely outcast of the school who no-one wants to know. It wears you down and that was what had happened to Morgan. All of it.

She was now in high school and she was slowly loosing hope, letting their words get to her. 

Morgan walked back to the tower from school, telling Happy she wanted to walk to the library since it was a nice day and luckily after a promising talk he finally agreed and told her that if she wanted picking up he was just a phone call away. 

She had walked to the library and handed her books back, after an hour she came back out from browsing the books on end to only find a certain group of teens stood outside of the library waiting for her, she saw them before they saw her so she was thankful that she had because she knew what was to come.

She tried to slip passed them but found herself being pulled back by her bag which was hanging on her shoulder. She let out a small whimper as she was pulled back and into the middle of the group. 

"How are you Morgan?" She knew it wasn't a sincere question

"I-I-I-I'm good" Her nerves shook and kept shaking 

"What's with the stuttering? Scared?" One smirked

They were walking closer and closer to her making her walk back before she hit the pillar of the library,

"I-I- No, no"

"What are you doing on this side of town?"

"I-I was just walking home" she said truthfully

"Just walking home, ey? Who even wants you home? Do you even have a family? Even if you do i bet you that they don't love you, they pretend they do but they don't"

"My family loves me" She told them

One of the scoffed the others joining, "Nobody loves you" He spat. 

"Who would even love you? Your a pathetic piece of sh*t and have no place in this world" Once they finished the sentence she felt a sharp pain across her cheek. They just laughed in her face before walking off leaving her stood there holding her cheek. 

She fixed the bag on her shoulder before walking down the street and back home, she could feel tears hitting their way through her eyes, she tried to control them but couldn't, a few dripped down her face before she could wipe them away. 

She finally got home before they would send out a search party for her. She had managed to dry her eyes before she got out of the lift and greeted by everyone.

"Hey Morg, how was school?" Clint asked as she walked into the kitchen/lounge

"Like usual, boring, already know everything" she said as she walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. 

"What happened to your cheek?" Nat asked as she approached her

"What?- Oh, nothing major, i pulled a book out from the shelf and accidentally hit myself" Morgan laughed off trying to make it believable

"Really? Does this book have a hand?" Nat asked with a raised eyebrow

Morgan didn't know what to say so she just tried to push past Nat but she was too slow, Nat being too quick for her, she quickly grabbed her arm stopping her from moving but not so she hurt her

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