The Small Talk

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Part 3


Natasha opened up the bedroom door and walked in with a bag of Yelena's, her sister following behind her with another bag.

"How long are you planning on staying?" Natasha asked her as she placed the bag down next to the bed

"A couple of weeks, maybe?"

"Well, I'm glad your here." Natasha smiled

But something told Yelena that Natasha knew part of the real reason why she was here. And she knew Natasha wouldn't let it go.

"But I know your not here to just visit me, so-"

Yelena cut Natasha off as she started explaining.

"I got word back in Russia, Red Room has started back up again, trying to train more young girls into becoming your past. I also heard what they said they would do to one of your team-mates, and by the conversation, I'm taking a guess in saying that he isn't just your team-mate." Yelena gave a small smirk at the end of the sentence, Natasha knowing exactly who she was talkign about.

"Steve is just a friend, but yes. I know what's happened, but I haven't told the team and I don't plan on doing so either. I'm done running from my past. I'm not bringing the rest of the team through that same hell fire."

Yelena smiled, "I know, that's why I'm going to help you."

"Yelena. No-"

Yelena gave a small sigh of frustraion, "Natasha, I know you. And even if your not going to admit it, your gonna need my help. You haven't been in Russia in a long, long time. And they've become more aware of what you have on the line. You need my help and your gonna take it. Or else I've travelled half way across the world for nothing."

Natasha gave a small smirk, "I thought you came here to see your big sister?"

"Yeah, well. That too."

The pair gave a small laugh before Natasha helped Yelena pack her things into draws and wardrobes.

"So, about this Steve." Yelena started

"Oh no. No, your not going there." Natasha knew where this conversation would end up.

"Nat, I've seen the pictures in the papers, you two are not 'Just friends'." Yelena spoke as she placed quotation marks around Natasha's own words.

"We just work together."

"Oh come on. If I can see the chemistry between both of you without having to watch you two interact with one another. Then I pretty sure Im not the only one."

Natasha smiled as she shook her head. "Steve's not interested."

Yelena smirked, "Ah, so you do like him."

Natasha had a small blush on her cheeks, "I- I never said that."

Yelena smiled, "Oh come on! You are totally in love with America's number one hero."

"Oh god, don't let Tony hear you say that. I don't want to have to sit through another three hour lecture between Sam, Clint and Tony on who's America's number one hero."

"So you agree with me. oh, my girl's all grown up." Yelena smiled

"Last time I checked, I was the grown up in this situation."

"Eh. We're both not as grown up as we say."

Natasha mumbled, "Well, one of us isn't"

But it seemed Natasha had heard because Yelena threw a pair of socks at the back of Natasha's head.

Soon enough the pair headed back down and into the lounge where both Bucky and Sam had managed to regain some color back in their cheeks, so they didn't look so terrifed as they did before.

As they walked in, they saw Steve stood at the stove cooking. Natasha gave a confused look as she pointed up to the super soldier but luckily Wanda explained.

"We all flipped a coin. Steve lost."

Natasha lifted her head in a nod, "Ah. Okay then."

15 minutes later Yelena decided to entertain herself by staring Bucky down and him trying to shift his eyes away from the blonde haired Russian. Uncomfortably.

"So tell us." Peter started, trying to make conversation. "What was it like in Russia?"

Yelena's face softened as she looked towards Peter, "Cold, mostly."

"What about you and Natasha, your childhood?"

"It was fun for the most part. Until Nat's ballet lessons became more than just ballet. Then we become seperated more." Yelena gave a sad smile before looking over towards her sister who was stood in the kitchen talking to Steve as she gave him the ingredience he needed from the cupboard.

Yelena spoke as she looked towards Natasha. "I tell people my sister moved out west. She's a science teacher. Her husband, he renovates houses. You have a family. Your thinking of moving but your gonna wait until the interest rates go down."

Natasha looked back towards her sister with a smile, "That's not my story."

"Well to everyone else it is, so if I call you with a science question. You better have an answer for me." This caused the others to all share a laugh, aswell as Yelena and Natasha.

"Do they not know Nat's your sister?" Wanda asked.

"No. It's one of the perks of living a secret life, you get to make up your family. You get to choose your own life and how you live it, aswell as deciding what the rest of your family do. It's quite fun actually when you've got a bit of time on your hands and nothing else to do."

Natasha spoke up, "You know, you look normal but then when you speak, your the angle of death."

Yelena smiled, "Hey, I'm your sister."


Part 4 will be up soon x

Stay Safe xx

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