The Birth

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9 moths later

MJ was lay on the hospital bed holding Peter's hand, she had just gone through another contraction. May was on her way, Tony, Nat, Steve, Clint, Laura, Bucky and Bruce were all there, sat in the waiting room, Pepper was getting some coffee and had Morgan with her.

She had gone into labour for 17 hours, they didn't know what they were having and wanted to leave it as a surprise.

As the nurse walked in, she checked her dilation

"6cm, not long now" The midwife said smiling, her contractions were getting bigger.

Peter went to check on the rest of them, as he walked out into the waiting room, May ran over to him and hugged him

"How is she?" Nat said standing up and hugging him

"She's 6cm, the nurse said it shouldn't be long but i don't really believe it"

As Peter walked back, he got a call of Ned

"Hey, i heard MJ went into labour" he said chirpily

"Yeah, i'm sorry Ned i forgot to call you"

"No, it's okay, May called me on the way down, we're on our way, our flight leaves in an hour so we should be there by tomorrow"

"Okay, thanks Ned"

"It's okay, i'll see you tomorrow, see you soon Pete"

"See you soon"

He opened the door to see MJ lay on her back, watching some random movie that was on the TV screen.


A few more hours had passed and now it was time to push, she must of been pushing for two hours until finally they pair heard a cry

The pair gave a small laugh, and kissed eachother

"You've done it" he smiled at her with tears in his eye

"I'm so proud of you, i love you"

"I love you too" she said as he kissed her

"Here you go Momma, a very healthy baby girl" The Midwife smiled passing her the small child


Peter held on to his daughter, tears in his eyes,

"I never knew i could love her so much" Peter smiled he kissed her head, he sat next to MJ on the hospital bed, as MJ kissed her daughters head, the door slowly opened

"Can we come in?" May asked quietly with a smile

"Come on in" Peter said quietly so he wouldn't startle the small child, everyone walked in, 'aww'-ing,

"Meet your grand niece" he told May as he passed her the small child, she was wrapped in a white blanket so it wouldn't give away the gender as soon as they walked in

"Hello, I'm your aunt May, your very luckily you know"

Soon enough, she everyone had held her, most of them had happy tears that threatened to fall out of the cuteness she held

"Do you guys have a name yet?" Pepper asked them

"Bella Maria Parker" MJ told them

"Mary short for Maria" Peter told them as he held MJ's hand, May looked at them, pure love and joy for them all

"Hi, Bella" Laura said as she held her in her arms

"You guys did good" Clint said with a small laugh as he stood behind his wife looking down at Bella

Morgan came up to Peter and he lifted her up

"Are we still going to hang out?" she asked him, scarred of losing her best friend

Peter let out a small chuckle as did MJ

"I'll tell you what, how about we set aside some special time each day for just us and we can play together, is that a good deal?" he asked her

She nodded her head and hugged Peter, Peter sat her on his knee as Bella was passed back to MJ

"She's cute" Morgan stated, making Peter smile aswell as MJ

"Can i kiss her?" Morgan asked Peter quietly, Peter picked her up and allowed her to kiss Bella on the head

It was a beginning of their new journey.

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