Last Words...

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His last words were etched upon their heads, the last time they had seen Peter was 2 years ago, one minuet he was happy and playing with Morgan, the next he came round and packed a bag, he didn't leave anything behind other than the tracker in his suit- a second one which Tony had placed in his suit thinking Peter didn't know.

Each different phrase that Peter had said was running over and over in their heads

"I just wanted to be like you"

"You have the right to remain silent"

"They're not stopping"

When you can do the things that i can, but you don't and then the bad things happen they happen because of you"

"I can't go to Germany...i-i've got homework"


"I don't want to go"

Everything Peter had told them stuck in their heads, Nat missed when they used to train together, Clint missed the pranks, Steve missed the laughter, Pepper missed the hugs, Morgan missed their play time, May missed her nephew. They all suffered on his loss, but Tony the most, Peter had practically been his son, he missed his son. 

MJ and Ned never gave up on Peter, never wanting to admit that he could be dead, they knew him too well, he was a fighter, he is a fighter. 

They always looked out- just hoping, praying they'd spot him or he'd come home at some point saying it was just a undercover mission he'd been sent on and no-one could ever know.

However Fury had told them the truth, no-one and he meant no-one had sent Peter on a mission, anywhere, so the fact that he had just disappeared from the face of the earth was on his own accord. 

No-one could believe that Peter would do something like this if it wasn't for a good enough reason to leave behind his family and not say anything, no-one, even the government had found him, not the Marines, not the Navy, not even the Army had even found a trace of him, even the public hadn't seen him, no recording, nothing, zilt, zippo, zilch.

That was...until today.

Morgan had just turned 10 and was the brightest student to say the least, she was home schooled, obviously, because no school could teach her anything that she couldn't be any smarter at.

Morgan was sat in the library reading a book which she had probably already read at least 3 times now, she had read all of the books in the children's section so now she was onto the regular section.

However something caught her eye, a man, he wore a simple t-shirt along with a blue jacket and dark blue jeans, he wore a cap on his head and wore glasses, he reminded her very much like Cap when he'd go 'undercover' which he was terrible at, however there was something about him that she recognized but she couldn't put her finger on it, he pulled out a book but it seemed he was just pulling it out for pulling out sake's, like he was watching someone.

She watched his eye line, it was towards a man who was dressed in all black, black shirt, jacket, jeans, shoes however there was something metal on the side of his belt, however the man did a double take of the man who she recognized, he started moving towards the man with a cap, he started moving backwards, that was when all dressed in black started running towards the man with glasses.

Morgan watched on, however that was when, within 30 seconds it became a full on fight, she knew this man however it annoyed her that she couldn't tell who he was

"Out! Everyone out now!!" he shouted so people wouldn't get hurt

Glasses as she had now dubbed the man was avoiding punches and was avoiding getting sliced, Morgan tried to get out as quick as she could however something stopped her, someone pulled her back, the man in black, she spotted something on his arm, HYDRA

"Just let her go, it's me you want" glasses said

Morgan tried to get out of his grip 

"Either, you give us what we want or she dies"

The man brought the knife to Morgan's throat

"Okay, okay, okay, just take me in" he said slowly getting down on his knees

The man threw Morgan to the side and walked towards him, however when he stood by him, he knocked him down and ran towards Morgan, the HYDRA agent was lay on the ground and that was when he took his opportunity and shot something out of a gun that he had pulled from the back of his jeans, it wasn't a bullet but it was some sort of tranquilizer that would send him to sleep, 

"Are you okay?"

That was when it hit her, glasses was...Peter!


"I'm here, don't worry, but we have to get out of here"

Peter pulled Morgan up and ran out, the police outside, Peter pulled Morgan towards the corner of the building and bent down to her height

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Peter, where have you been?"

"I've been away, i couldn't put anyone in danger okay, no-one can know okay, no-one"

"Why? Peter please just come back"

"I can't Morgan, i love you, i love you all but i have something to do and if i don't i don't think anyone will live, okay- please promise me you won't tell anyone about this, okay"


"Promise me Morgan"

"I-I promise"

Morgan hugged him, him hugging back

"Here" he said passing her a small box

She hugged him again, placing the box in her pocket

"I love you Peter"

"I love you too Morgan"

He kissed her head before leaving once again, Morgan walked back to the compound, she'd seen him, finally- just knowing that he was alive, hearing his voice, but she couldn't tell anyone

That night she sat in her room and that was when she remembered the small box he had given her, she walked over to her desk and looked inside her jacket pocket and walked back over to her window, sitting on the small bay window ledge, she opened up the box

A small necklace, heart shaped, a small engraving on it

A siblings secret

She slowly opened it up to see a picture of her and Peter on the slide at the park and then in the second was a picture of him, her and MJ.

She smiled down at the photo before closing it once more, she placed it round her neck, never wanting to take it off, however something else caught her eye, a photo

She picked it up and looked at it, it was of them all on a family holiday, her, Peter, MJ, Clint, Wanda, Tony, Pepper, May, Steve, Nat, Bruce- everyone.

She smiled down at it, wiping the tears that were ready to fall, she had finally seen her brother again

And it wouldn't be long before she'd see him once again, it wouldn't be long before they would all see him once again...

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