*laughs nervously* what?

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Peter had been with the Avengers for a while now and was now sucked into the never ending vortex of being apart of the family and there was no escape, no longer anyway. 

They had all just come back from a mission and had nothing else to do, so that was when it came about once again that Thor's magic hammer was nothing but just a fake and that it was a trick, they knew Cap could lift it- of course, as could Thor however no-one else could, well that was until today.

Peter rushed in to the lounge in a hurry 

"Has anyone seen the- the- the" Peter had been rushing around that much the words couldn't come from his tongue through the sheer rush.

"The-the-the what?" 

"Papers" That was all Peter managed to get out, Nat hadn't looked up from her book and spoke pointing to the table 


"Oh, thanks Nat"

Peter rushed over and picked up whatever was on top of the papers, taking them from underneath before placing the 'thing' back down, he continued looking at the papers before rushing back out, shouting a 'thank you' once again

Everyone, even Nat, all looked at one another in shock, that 'thing' Peter had picked up was Mjolnir otherwise known as 'Thor's Magic Hammer' that was fueled with tricks of some kind, Thor had turned white, paler than anything anyone had seen, Tony stood shocked, Nat, Clint and Steve along with Bucky kept looking between once another looking back at the table every few turns, Wanda and Vision looking towards one another before looking towards Thor for some sort of reaction, but nothing- he seemed shocked, pleased, worried- all three emotions in one.

Pepper had just walked in to fins them all silent and still having no idea in what to do, Sam and Rhodey looked towards Pepper for her to be the one to break the silence which luckily she did

"What's happ-" however it wasn't long before she was cut off

"Pete's worthy" was all Tony said "he just surprised the heck out of us"

"Wait, go back, Peter's?"

"Worthy" Nat said standing up to look at Pepper

"Worthy, so- okay, hold on, he's worthy, when did you find this out and does he know?"

"Just now and we have no idea, he came in here looking for papers and then lifted it up without looking, placed it back down and then scurried off" Steve explained

Pepper was speechless, she didn't know what to say, no-one did

"So what? He's able to rule Asguard now?" Clint asked

"It seems so" Thor said finally speaking up and standing up, just barely though, his legs ready to buckle at any moment

"What do we do? Congratulate the kid?" Sam asked looking round

"Maybe? I mean, how do you think he'll react?"  

"FRIDAY can you get Peter to come here please"

"He's on his way boss" the Irish accent told him a moment later, within a minuet Peter was up and in the lounge 

"Okay, sit down" Tony told him as he lead him to sit onto the couch, he was then propped down by Sam and Bucky

"OKay, why do i feel as if i'm about to be blackmailed or killed?" Peter asked looking round at his unescapable vortex of a family

"Just relax" Steve told him sternly 

"OKay" Tony said taking in a breath before looking towards Peter 

"Your worthy" 

Peter looked round trying to judge their faces, that was when Peter turned back to look at Tony 

"*laughs nervously* what?"

"Your worthy, you can yield the magic hammer, you can rule Asguard-" Clint was cut off from his mantra by Peter quickly standing up

"Please, please tell me your joking because if you are it's not funny"

"We're definitely not joking" Bucky told him with a small chuckle behind his voice

Peter was beginning to panic, he was just a 19 year old kid who had a year left at MIT, he couldn't be worthy 

"Kid, if you don't believe me- pick it up"

Peter looked at him with worry and panic, why was he asking him to pick it up, he didn't need any thing else to prove that he may or may not be worthy, it had to be one of Loki's illusions, it had to be.

"Nononononononononononononono" Peter said all to quickly in a fit of panic

"What's so wrong with being worthy?" Vision asked him 

"I don't know" Peter said (in panic once again) "I'm just a 19 year old kid, i don't want to rule Asguard, no offence" Thor put his hand up to say non taken "I can barley ask a girl out, never mind ruling over an entire City"

"Kid, calm down, your gonna pass out" Clint told him "You don't have to rule anything"

Once Peter had finally calmed down, they were all sat round the table and slowly one by one they all went to bed, eventually leaving Thor and Peter in the room, They were both in the Kitchen, Thor was having some toasted Pop-Tarts and Peter was grabbing a bowl of coco-pops

They were just talking until they both sat on the counter top, both eating, and that was when Thor turned to him 

"So, who's the girl?" 

"Shut up" Peter told him with a small laugh, Thor giving a small chuckle, not even having to look at Peter to see the small blush rising on his cheeks at the slight mention of his 'girl' who he was yet to ask out

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