Do you have that?

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One word, multiple meanings.

A soulmate could be a partner, a best friend, could be anyone.

Sometimes it can take someone a life time to find their's, or they may just have to look right beside them to see it.

It's a tricky thing love. 

Always has been, always will be.

It will never get any easier as time goes on, it will just become more familiar to you. 

But in a good way.

As if you can turn and look towards them and know, all you have to do is know, know that that one person, forever and always, will be your soulmate.

However sometimes, your soulmate, you can spend years with them without even knowing because that feeling has become so familiar.

Like i said, love is tricky.

Always has been, always will be.

And that, that was exactly what they had.


That feeling of love had been with them for so long, it hadn't ever changed. It never could.

Everyone saw the small little looks they exchanged, the way their smile glowed when they laughed together. But they didn't know the whole story. They just saw the outward exterior.

If they could only see the whole story.

"What is a soulmate?" The young child would ask, no-one really had an answer for her, what was a soulmate?

That was when she was picked up by the man who she saw as her older brother before being placed on his lap

"A soulmate is someone who you love, more than anyone else. It's someone who you care alot for and would never want to see get hurt under any circumstances. A soulmate is someone who you love more than anyone or anything in this world" 

That was when another one added to his description, the man she saw as an uncle.

"A soulmate is also someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with, someone who you can kiss and cuddle at night and want to watch movies with" 

"Like mommy and daddy?" She asked

"Yes, exactly like mommy and daddy"

"How do you find them though?" She asked them

"You find them, by not finding them"

She tilted her head in confusion, "What?"

He shuffled in his seat sitting up a bit further, "You know how you was looking for your coloring book last week and you couldn't find it"


"Well, when you stopped looking for it, you found it"


"Well, it's like that"

"But that doesn't make sense"

"We know, but that's how it is"

"Well what do you once you've found them?"

"Well, uh, you wanna take this one?" He asked towards the brunette witch

She picked up the small child before sitting down with her

"Once you've found them, then you have to hope they feel the same"

"Don't they?"

"Well, sometimes, they might not like you back straight away or they might not actually be your soulmate, you just think they are"

"But how do you find out? How do you know if it is them?"

"You, you get a sort of feeling" Her uncle said as he walked over before crouching down on the floor

"What feeling?" The young child asked

"It- It's the sort of feeling you get when, when you see someone but it's not 'Oh, hello' it's more, how do i put this"

"It's more of a 'Oh, your the one i've been looking for"

The young child nodded, her mind slowly wrapping around what they were trying to say.

"But what if you've already found them and you don't know?"


"Then you just have to wait for the right moment" The brunette explained

"But when is the right moment?" She asked

"The right moment comes in time, you could know someone for a hundred years before it could hit you"

"Does it hurt?"

"No" She chuckled shaking her head, "Not one bit"

"So, have we answered all your questions?" Her older brother smiled as he came behind her auntie and uncle, crouching down the same as them 

"Almost, i have one more"

"Okay, what is it?"

"Do you have that?"

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