Tides of Queens

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Requested by:RyokoShaNamikaze

Xavia, Erik, Pietro and Logan are all in this. I know they're on a different universe and all but please just go along with it. (In all honesty I haven't seen X-Men yet, I've only seen clips on Youtube)

Oh, also Peter isn't Spiderman he's a Waterbender, so he had the powers to control and manipulte water in all of it's forms.


"Well what are we going to do?" Tony asked the team.

They'd been tasked on a mission somewhere in Venice. But not in Venice, rather just off the coast.

"Whatever chemicals they've placed above the water is stopping any of us from getting in. How are we meant to complete the mission if we can't even get past it's blockade barrier?" Steve asked as he placed the file down on the table.

Wanda sat quietly in the corner as she rubbed her nail against her lip, something she'd do when she was deep in thought.

"Does anyone have any ideas?" Tony asked looking around.

Natasha looked around and noticed the only person who hadn't muttered even half of a word was Wanda.

"Your being unusally non verbal." Natasha said as she turned to look at Wanda.

That was when everyone turned and looked towards Wanda. Natasha wasn't wrong, Wanda would usually atleast try and say something, even if it wasn't possible. They could grow from idea's.

Wanda looked up, wonder in her eyes.

"Hhm?" She hummed as she came out of her thoughts, seeing everyone looking at her.

"Do you have any ideas?" Tony asked leaning on the table.

Wanda sighed as she brought her feet down from the desk as she folded her arms. "I know a guy."

"Great! Mind sharing who he is?" Sam said

Wanda stood up saying nothing and walked towards the door. "Give me 3 days. I'll have him in Venice by the time you lot are there."

Without saying anything else, she walked right out closing the door behind her. Everyone else was left in confusion and wonder. They wondered on going after her and questioning her but right now, couldn't be bothered.

As Wanda left the compound, she raised her phone to her ear waiting for someone to pick up.

"Hello?" Asked the voice down the phone

"Hiya. It's me. Meet me at the cafe on 6th. We need to talk"

That was all Wanda said before the phone hung up. She just hopped he'd turn up.

20 minutes later Wanda was sat at a table drinking a cup of coffee. He still hadn't turned up.

Suddenly she heard a voice from behind her which made her jump slightly, only slightly.

"Don't." They said just before she was about to turn around and face him.

"I had a feeling someone was following me. Probably your brother, but you can never be too careful. What did you need to tell me?"

"We need help."

The man raised his cup to his lips, "What happened the other one. Why am I here?"

"Because we need to find him. He won't come if it's just me, I need you and the others." Wanda told him.

"Okay." He agreed. "How long do you have?"

"3 days. We need him in Venice in three days."

The man behind her sighed, "Okay, we'll meet there."

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