A sleepover of his worse nightmare

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As they all finished up in the museum, Peter knew that his day was doomed from here on out. As they all made their way back to Lizzie, she announced that they would be heading off to the gym to meet Black Widow and Captain America, as everyone started cheering and gasping, Flash turned to Peter

"Don't think you can keep all of your secrets up for much longer Parker, as soon as you enter that, your time is up penis" Flash sneered at Peter

Peter ignored Flash and caught up with MJ and Ned. Lizzie pushed the door open and started speaking

"As you can see, Ms Romanoff and Mr Rogers otherwise known as the Black Widow and Captain America, will be taking care of you for the next hour and half so have fun" Lizzie waved goodbye with her cheery smile plastered on her face

"Right so today we will be teaching you some self defence and some other things along the way, so first of all i need a volunteer" Steve said clapping his hands together and scanning over the students, most of them had their hand up except for MJ and Peter,

"I'm gonna kill Clint" Peter thought

"Mr Rogers sir, pick me" Flash said practically jumping up and down

Steve caught Peter's eye, but luckily didn't choose him

"Okay then..."

"Flash" He said saying his name, well nickname

"OKay then Flash, now i want you to try and attack me, don't worry i won't hurt you"

He didn't have his suit or his shield with him, he just had a plain white short sleeved shirt on and a pair of joggers, however on his sleeve he had the captain America symbol printed on it

Nat was just in plain black work out gear and her hair in a French braid

"Erm, OKay" Flash said warily, he went to attack Steve but Steve effortlessly knocked him to the ground in a few simple moves

"Okay, go and take a break kid, who else?" Nat said looking around the group

"What about you? Parker get up here" Nat said waving him up

"I'd rather not"

"Oh don't go all shy now, come on, i can always get-"

"Okay okay okay" Peter said quickly, knowing what she would say, as in she can always bring Tony down here to embarrass him, no-one could possibly be worse than Tony to embarrass him.

Peter walked up towards Nat, and stood infront of her

"Okay, so now i'm gonna show you where Flash went wrong, so Peter your gonna be the victim"

He could practically feel the smile on Flash's face,

"Now Peter, i want you to tried and shake me off and defeat me, okay"

"Er, o-okay"

How was he meant to explain what was about to happen, the fact that she knew his name.


Peter stood with his back to Nat, due to his spidey sense he could tell where she was and what she was about to do, she swung her arm around and Peter ducked down, he lifted his arm and grabbed hers, she flipped him over, making him do a backflip and as he was stood on the other side, he knocked her down by the back of her legs and pushed her to the ground

"Well done" she said looking at him like a proud mother

He helped her up from the ground and looked over to see MJ drawing flash's face as he grew red with anger

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