Your too young to understand

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Secrets are always kept, even if you don't know your keeping them. 

Sometimes it can be because you don't feel like you should tell anyone, or because you know they just won't care in listening to what you've got to say or show them. 

It can be the heaviest weight in the world but no-one will ever understand, so you stick to just being yourself, staying that one person partnership. Because you know no-one will know you enough to understand, or won't care enough or maybe just won't understand. 

You stick to that one person partnership for what seems to be forever, never having that partner in crime, never having the fries with your burger, never having the yin to your yang. 

Or whatever other cliche metaphors you can think of.

We're all told, "Your too young to understand", but they never think to listen. 

They never think to listen to your opinion because their too prejudice in their own ways, so all in all, they're the ones who don't understand.

But then sometimes, they say, "I know what your going through, i understand you", but in reality, they don't. 

They don't understand you, because they are not you. 

And whether you become upset or angry or annoyed at that, it doesn't matter, because they can't see it, because they think they know you, understand you.

I'm sure there are more things that people say, like they see only half of the story or they see none of it because they can only see who is infront of them, not their story.

But that, "Your too young to understand"

I don't believe it should exist, no-one in this world is too young to understand something that is amazing or is one of the cruelest things in the world. 

If you break, "Your too young to understand", you stay strong, "Your too young to understand"

There is no way of winning in this world. Ever. 

No-one should ever say someone is "too young to understand" because they don't know that persons story, they don't know what that person has been through or seen or felt or lived through, because it wasn't their story to tell. And yes, sometimes emotions can break or they can be held higher, but no-one should give you that feeling that you should shut your mouth or you shouldn't have brought it up. Because in the end, you could be stopping something before it escalates. You could be preventing something drastic from happening, but no-one sees that, because they don't want to until they have to. 

A person is never too young to understand something, no matter your opinion on the subject. 

Whether you know their story or not, you don't know their story like they do. 

Even if your writing it, your not living it.


Peter had lived 17 years with his own secrets, he'd had them for so long, he hadn't noticed that they were genuine secrets, now they just felt like distant memories. 

Memories he could still see, for the most part.

To anyone who knew him, he was one of the most positive people. He'd never allow someone to be sad on anyone account, even if it was just a small smile in the hall, it still made their day.

So the day he became Spider-Man, he swore an oath on his Uncle's grave, to never allow someone to be hurt in the way he was. 

He knew what it was like, loosing someone who was close to you. 

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