A sleepover of his worst nightmare

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Today was the day. Today was the day Peter would be going on his secret field trip with the rest of the decathlon team and he would be sleeping over, little did he know that the place they would be going was the one and only Stark Industries

Mr Harrington ran over the rules once more, Be respectful, Listen and stick together.

"So i'm sure your all very excited to find out where we are going and i can tell you that we will be heading to...Stark Tower"

Those two little words came crashing down on Peter like a tone of bricks. So not only would he have to prove that he was an intern, even though it was only a cover up for what he actually does, but he would be taunted by Flash the entire time and that wouldn't even be the start of it.

As everyone started cheering and chattering away to one another, Flash strolled over to Peter and looked him in the eye

"So i guess we'll see if your little lie is true or not, and once i find out the truth that everyone else already knows, Mr Stark will want to hire me straight away and you won't be able to get anywhere with your life, all due to a lie"

"Really Flash? Well i guess everyone else will want to find out your little secret too" MJ said as she walked forward towards him

"Really and what would that be?" He pushed, masking his fear of MJ

"Oh maybe that you are so totally in love with Spider-Man and that you have your entire bedroom covered head to toe in Avengers and Star Wars"

"I-I don't know what your talking about" he panicked

"Oh i think you do, so either you back off, or everyone one will know about your little secret"

"J-Just watch your back Penis" he said before scurrying off back to his little squad

"Thanks MJ"

"No problem, Losers" she said before she grabbed out her notebook and started sketching Flash's face in crisis

As they all loaded onto the bus, Peter plopped himself next to Ned, MJ sitting in the seat infront of them her nose stuck in her crisis book as she perfected her work.

After about 40 minuets they arrived just outside of the Tower, the dread already looming over Peter's shoulders. Peter could feel the glare he was getting from Flash, it was like a hole was burning through the side of his head.

"Hello Mid Town Tech, i am your tour guide today! My name is Lizzie, but you can just call me Liz, now when i call your name, please come and collect your badges, now theses will run out tomorrow as soon as you leave, now once your inside the tower i will take you straight to your rooms so you can drop off your bags, now if you somehow get lost within this very large building, you can report to F.R.I.D.A.Y she is the tower's AI, she runs through the entire building and will help you if you were to get lost in the tower! So lets get started"

As she ran through everyone's names, Peter hoped no-one had noticed that Liz hadn't called him name, but his luck had to strike

"Er, Liz Peter didn't get a badge" Flash spoke

"Oh Er, which one's Peter"

Liz looked at the list again and then spoke out

"Oh, Mr Parker, it says here that you already have one, am i correct?"

"Yes, i have my work one"

Liz looked at his face to see him holding his badge between his fingers

"Oh Peter, it's you! Oh, you didn't tell me you was coming"

"It's fine Liz, i didn't neither"

Flash's jaw dropped, how did he know her, how did she know him!?

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