Holliday Terrors

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Peter Age 20


It was that time of year again, Christmas. The smell of freshly baked cookies filled the air of the tower, Steve was helping Morgan with her history work for it was due the very next day, her last day of school before she broke up for two weeks. Pepper and Clint were setting up the tree as Tony hung up garland around the door. Nat was icing cookies along with Wanda and Vision.

Peter should of been at the tower just over an hour ago but couldn't make it due to something coming up. He had placed on a pair of fresh jeans, a shirt since Pepper told him to dress nice when he was coming to the tower, he had his trainers on and blazer, he wore his coat over it all since it was freezing and there was light snow falling outside on the streets of Queens.

He finally made it to his destination, the cemetery. His parents had died in that plane crash all those years ago and even though he had May and the avengers to call family, it didn't mean he didn't missed them, he would go either before Christmas Day, on Xmas day or just after to lay down a wreath. He walked along the icy grass before reaching the grave

"Mary and Richard Parker, loving parents to their son"

He bent down and wiped the snow of the top of the grave and from the front pane of it, he placed the wreath down in front before standing up and just looking down towards the grave.

"I miss you" was all he said, May never knew he did this, that he would come here, on their birthday, on his birthday, on Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving

There was a couple more people in the cemetery, saying their goodbyes, i love yous, i miss yous.

After about 15 minuets, Peter said his i love you and left walking towards the tower, he was 3/4 of the way there until he heard a scream, he jumped into action he didn't have his suit though, but he had his web shooters.

A woman was being held against the wall, threatened with a gun, she was being mugged.

Peter leaped into action, taking the man down, punching him and setting the woman free, he managed to pin him down but then he didn't act quick enough, he felt something cold on his stomach and them dampness, blood. He'd been shot.

The man hit Peter down, he fought back but then he pulled out a switchblade cutting across Peter, when he thought Peter was down he made a run for it but not until Peter finally caught him with a web, hitting the man down to the ground, him stuck there until the cops came.

The woman must have called the cops as she escaped because about 10 minuets later they turned up arresting him, but it wasn't until the woman ran back down the ally to see Peter all cut and bruised, he had tried so hard to fight it, the pain in his abdomen but the blood came out thick and fast, he was lay down on his back, blood flowing out of him, one of the cops ran down and knealt beside him, she searched for a phone and went through his emergency contacts list, she called the first May, but it went straight to voicemail, she tried the second and it finally picked up

"Hey Peter, where are you?"

"Is this Tony?" the cop asked

"Yes, wait who is this?"

"Emilia Hughes, i'm a Cop, i work down by the police station, it seems your son has been shot"

Tony jumped right into action

"The hospitals too far away, bring him to Stark Tower and quickly"

"Yes sir"

It didn't hit her until he said Stark Tower, it was Tony Stark, maybe he had a secret son, or he just worked for him but it wasn't long before Peter was wheeled into Med Bay, the look on Tony's face was horrified, how had Peter been shot.

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