Детские паук

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Translate:Baby spider


You'd think that Peter would be in school right now, but that however, was not the case. It had only been last week when Peter was told he couldn't go on his school field trip, he still had no idea where they were going, he just knew he could go, but part of him was glad, anywhere he went, trouble always seemed to follow, so atleast everyone would be safe.

Since Peter got the day off he decided to head down and train with Nat, since he joined the team a couple of months ago, Nat decided it would be best if he trained with her, you know, spider to spider.

Nat had become some what of a mother figure in Peter's life, her and May, and since that was the case, she started calling him Детские паук, and she was known as мама паук (momma spider) or мать паук (mother spider)

That morning he walked into the gym checking his web shooters as he did

"Hey Детские паук"

He looked up to see Nat stood in the large boxing ring

"Hey мама паук" he said with a cheery smile

"Has Ned texted you yet?" she asked him

"No, not yet, they are still waiting to find out where they're going, but he says MJ had started another book again"

"You know, i like her, you should introduce us, it might help you get closer to her, if you know what i mean"

"Nat" he warned

"What did i tell you about calling me that?" she warned back

"I mean it, MJ doesn't like me like that" he told her, climbing into the ring

"You'll never know until you ask" she smiled "Okay fine i'll drop it, come on lets train"

Peter had left his phone on his desk upstairs accidently so he didn't get any notification about what was going down

The yellow bus pulled up outside of the Avengers Tower, luckily MJ got Flash to shut up so no comments came out of his mouth the rest of the way there, up until they came to the scan through

"I can't wait to rub this in Parker's face" Flash said, looking down at his pass in his hand, he had no idea that 'Parker's' was Avengers level, and was way, way, way higher than Flash's level one pass

"Does Peter know we're here?" MJ asked quietly to Ned

"He still hasn't read any of my texts and hasn't received any of my calls so, probably not" Ned said looking round before looking towards MJ

They hurried to get back to the group before they got lost, Ned had been here a couple of times when he had to study with Peter and Peter couldn't get away from the tower, MJ had never been in, but it was just like she had expected, large, light and white marble.

They had entered the museum, even MJ was in awe, she went straight towards where the female leads were, so Wanda, Nat and Peggy Carter and Pepper Potts.

They had gotten to lunch when MJ and Ned had gotten a table on their own trying to find a way to reach Peter, knowing that if he was training in the gym he'd be a dead man

They was stopped in mid conversation when someone came behind MJ

"Hello Ned" It was Steve Rogers, he was in his undercover outfit, so jeans, baseball cap, shades and a shirt

"Hello Captain Sir" Ned said, slightly shaken with awe that Captain America was talking to him

"And you are?" he asked MJ

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