Panic Attack

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Requested by: Giraffeslare


It had been just over a year and half since the whole Civil War fiasco. Peter never took on the role of being an Avenger, not yet anyway. He had been working a little at Stark Industries since, even though Tony wanted to respect his decition, even if he didn't like it all too much. Pepper saw Peter's potential in his work, not as an Avenger but as a scientist so she somehow wrangled him into working with Tony and before Tony could even show him his own lab, Pepper had already aranged the same one Tony had picked, for him to work in.

He spent most of his time after being Spider-Man at the lab before he'd head back to May's. He'd also started dating Michelle after their week long science field trip to the University of Chicago. It took them 18 hours to get there, but it turned out it was more fun than all of them had expected. They were able to learn things at Univeristy level which allowed them more room to grow. They explored the city. And they were all able to get along, surprisingly. Even Flash had been a tad nicer to him.

Of course that went all down the drain when they got back to New York. Flash never took it further than just name calling though and never would do, so Peter could deal with it. He'd learnt why Flash does it, Flash doesn't know that Peter knows, but he knows.

Meanwhile, as Peter was sat at his desk, coming off his group chat with Ned, Betty and MJ. He lent back and gave a sigh. He'd been doing his homework all afternoon. He hadn't gone to the lab today since once he got in from being Spider-Man for a few hours, he had to do his homework, or May would ban him from the lab for atleast a week.

As he sat there, a call came through on his phone. Unknown number.

He hung up.

The same call came through a few more times, and had been doing the last week. But he always declined it.

However, before he could switch off his phone, Karen sent him an alert.

"I suggest you get yourself to the lab Peter. It seems Mr Stark is about to have a panic attack."

"Okay, thanks Karen." Peter told her before he grabbed hold of a nearby jacket and cap before placing them on. He wrote a quick note and placed it on his desk incase May came looking for him. Within 3 minutes he was at the tower...and out of breath.

The cap still on his head, he looked around before taking out his key card and swiping his way through. Happy saw him as he swipped through.

"You might want to be careful-" That was all Happy could say, he knew Peter heard him but rushed towards the elevator instead.

"Fri, is there anyway we can get to the top any quicker?" Peter asked in a rush.

"You'll be there in 8 seconds." The AI answered. The lift doors soon opened and Peter looked both left and right before shouting for Mr Stark.

"Mr Stark! You here?!"

"He's in the lounge Peter but I suggest you-" Friday couldn't say another word since Peter had already rushed down the hall and entered the lounge to see 4 people he never thought he'd see, atleast for a long while.

"Sir I suggest deep breathing."

"I'm fine Friday." Tony said in annoyance trying to push the panic attack aside.

Before any of the 4 could say anything, other than just point with very confused looks, Peter had already rushed over to Tony's side trying to get him to concentrate on something other than his panic attack.

"Just take deep breaths okay, In and out. Can you do that for me?"

Tony nodded.

Peter looked around before coming into eye contact with one of the rouges.

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