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You was sat at home since you came home from work early and by that i mean 4pm, you was a teacher down by the local school, you specialised in History however had all of your qualifications and degrees to teach primary.

You decided to bake, it was a hobby you had always loved, you hadn't baked since you was about 17 but you still had that 'special touch' as your mum would call it.

You grabbed out the bowl and all of the ingredients weighing out the flour, sugar, butter, 2 eggs, milk and vanilla extract, you placed half of the batter to the side adding in cocoa powder to make some double chocolate chip cookies, the others, you added in the chocolate chips and took chunks out of the batter rolling them before squashing them onto the tray lined with parchment paper.

By the time the cookies had finished in the oven you had cleaned everything up and it was all back in place, it was perfect timing aswell because the door opened

"Y/N I'm home"

You and Tom had been dating for just over three years, you had moved in with one another after a year, and luckily he was working not too far away

"Hey honey" you greet him before kissing him

"Hey, how was work?"

"It was good, the kids were talking all about Spider-Man and Iron man"

"Aww" he cooed

"How was it on set?"

"It was good, Haz is coming round later"

"I know, he called before when i was coming home from work, he sounded nervous"

"Same here" Tom said, hugging you from behind, placing his chin on your shoulder

"Here, try one" You say spinning round, handing him a cookie that had cooled down but was still warm

"What is it?" he asked cautiously

"A cookie"

He takes a bit

"Oh my god" he said, you smiled at his weirdness of how he tried to stop the dripping of the chocolate from the cookie

"here" you giggle before passing him a kitchen towel

"I never knew you could bake, how did i not know that?" He asked walking over to the bin, placing the dirty kitchen (paper) towel inside it

"Because i haven't baked since i was about 17"

"Why not?" he asked you

"Never really crossed my mind"

He hugs you again, you head leaning on his chest, then you hear a knock on the door, you both shout "come in"

Harrison walked in, in a slight panic and walked straight into the kitchen to you both

"OKay, i need to tell you something before i freak out even more, and i don't know why i'm freaking out, but i am and i know i shouldn't but i am"

"Mate, slow down" Tom chuckled, his arm around your waist

"OKay" he breathes in "Missy's-"

Suddenly your phone rings

"I'm gonna take this" you kiss Tom's cheek before walking out into the hall and into the living room before answering it

"What's up Missy?" Missy and Harrison had been dating for about 4 years now, you knew Missy from University, it was actually her who introduced you to Tom

"Y/n, i'm worried"

"Why, what's happened, the pair of you are starting to get me worried"

"Well i'm"





You and Tom go silent, Missy was freaking out on the phone to you and Harrison was freaking out to Tom

"How far along are you?" You ask with a smile of your face

"About 10 weeks, and i told Harrison today, at first he was happy then he started freaking out and then i freaked out"

"OKay, i'll be over once I've spoke to Haz, okay"

"OKay, thankyou y/n"

"No problem, see you soon"



She hangs up and you walk back into the kitchen to find Harrison in the same state you had left him in and Tom having no idea what to say

"I'm guessing you know" Harrison says as he turns round to you

"Yes, and i want to know why your freaking out"

"Because, what if i don't make a good dad, what if the kid hates me, what if-"

"And what if you make the best dad in the world? What if that kid loves you so much you never though you could love it so much" you say placing a hand on his shoulder

"She's right mate, you'll make the best dad"

"Are you sure?" he asked

"Yes" You and Tom say in sync

"Now, your gonna stay here while i go and check up of Missy"

"OKay" Harrison replies only having a small idea on what was going on since he had just come away from his freak out

As you kiss Tom goodbye, you pack a couple of cookies with you knowing Missy would probably need one or two, after 10 minuets you pull up outside the house and walk in to find Missy pacing up and down, you had a somewhat similar conversation with Missy as you had with Haz

By the time you got back home, Harrison had headed back home when you had set off to go back home, when you walked in, you found Tom by the stove cooking some pasta, you came up behind him and kissed his shoulder

By the time you had both finished your diner, you washed the dishes, Tom dried them and placed them away

It was about 8pm and you was cuddled at Tom's side watching Captain America: The First Avenger, when Tom turned to you

"Would you ever want kids?"

"Maybe? One day? What about you?"

"I don't know, maybe"

"You'd make a great dad"

"You really think so?" He asked you, you sat up and looked at him

"I know so, how you are with your brothers, that protectiveness, that love, you'd be the best dad any kid could ask for"

You lean in and kiss him, your foreheads pressed together

"I love you" he says

"I love you too"


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