The Library (T.H.)

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You had always been going to the library, ever since you could walk, your mum always took you, so it was granted reading and writing would be your passion. You was never a movie gal, you had watched a couple of movies but even then, you always preferred the book. You had only seen, Little Women, Doctor Dolittle (1967) and Beauty and the Beast, the live action, even though you did love the movie, you did prefer the book.

You walked into the town/village, it was about a half an hour walk from your house to the library, it was between late and mid August, so the library was practically empty, you knew the library owner ever since you was a child

"Hey Julie" You say as you greet the 60 year old woman, she had a granddaughter your age and you and her had been best friends since you could ever remember, however she was away on holiday and wouldn't get back until the start of September.

"Hey y/n, how's your day been?" she asked you

"It's been good, the diner let me have the rest of summer off with pay, so that's good" you tell her with a smile

"So, i'll be seeing you more often?" she asked with a small chuckle

"You know me so well" you say with a smile before walking towards a section on the library, you had practically read each and every book within the library over the 17 years you have been able to open a book, you was currently in collage, and had a year left before you left for University to become a vet, you had always loved animals and they loved you.

You was looking through the books seeing if any new ones had been brought in, she looked through them all before picking out Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, you had read this book a couple of times over the years

You found a seat and sat down and held the book at an angle as you read it, you had gotten towards the end of the book when you saw a boy, he was around your age, he had just walked into the library, you had never seen him before, he walked towards one of the shelves scanning the books.

You kept flicking your eyes over to him every now and then, who was he? He defiantly had never been here before?

He held a book in his hand, reading through the first couple of pages, you noticed what he was reading, Harry Potter, he was smiling as he read the book, so he was a nerd a cute- wait no, don't.

You go back to reading your book before you finish it, you walk back over to the shelf you had got it from before going through the rows of books, trying to find another one to pass the time, however when you was looking through the shelves you saw a new one, Moby Dick, you hadn't read it yet and you wanted to decide for yourself on how good it was, you had read half of the first page, you knew what it was about since well, it was a classic

"Nice choice" You look around confused to see the same man from before, he was now looking through the shelves once more

"Excuse me?" you say once you spot him

"Nice choice, of book, it's a classic"

"Really? Well thanks for the heads up"

He gave a small chuckle, making you give a small smile, only small

"I'm guessing you've read it" you say looking back up at him

"Well, not exactly" he says

"It's either you have or you haven't, so which one is it?" you ask him

"Wow, bossy"

"Why thankyou" you say with a smile, you had never give a crap in what people thought of you, you always got judged for reading a book

"I'm guessing you've never been here before" you state

"I'm guessing you come here often then" he says looking towards you

"Ever since i could walk" you say before walking round to the other side, book still in hand

"Really? wow"

"Let me guess, you've never met a girl in a library before?" you ask raising an eyebrow

"No, how did you guess?"

"Well, your nervous, your tensed, before when you was reading, you was relaxed"

"You've been watching me?" he said with a small smirk

"Again, I've been here all my life, when i see a new lad come in, or any lad for that matter, i need to find out who the hell you are or why your here"

"To read" he said kinda obvious

"Very funny" you say trying to hid a small smile

While this was going on, Julie was stood at the counter, she knew it wouldn't be the last she would see on that boy

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