The Attack

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Peter didn't feel right, ever since yesterday. He hadn't slept properly due to his spidey sense going slightly haywire, and today was the day of his field trip to none other than, Stark Industries.

As he rose from his bed, Peter caught the banana May chucked through his door,

"Thanks May" he said groggily

Soon enough he had set out for school and just like every other day, he was teased/bullied by Flash, cautioned by the teacher because even he didn't believe Peter with his internship

"Ready to be outed Penis?" Flash said with a smirk

They all loaded onto the bus, Peter was pulled back by his teacher

"Peter, this has gone on long enough, so if i find out you have been lying this entire time, i won't hesitate to expel you, understood?"

Peter just nodded his head and walked onto the bus, he sat down next to Ned, his leg bouncing up and down out of nervousness, which Ned and MJ had picked up on

"Why you so nervous Parker? Scared out being thrown out by the iron man himself"

"Flash, pipe down, Mr Parker already knows the consequences of his actions if they turn out to be a lie"

As they pulled up outside of the tower, they all scaled off and headed into the building.


They had all been buzzed through, and Peter could feel a pair of eyes burning the back of his head, when FRIDAY had announced their clearance, Peter had to use his work badge meaning that he had a level clearance of Alpha 10 while everyone else had level 1

"I don't know who you paid to get that badge Mr Parker but i will find out who"

"Sir i didn't pay anyone, I'm Mr Stark's Intern"  Peter said shocked

By the time lunch rolled around, Peter's senses still was on full, he didn't know who, what or why? But all he knew was that it would be harmful.

Sorry for the crappy chapter

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